1. Больше всего слов в украинском языке начинается на букву «п». Самая часто употребляемая буква украинского алфавита — «о». Реже всего используются буквы «ф» и «ґ».
2. Одну из самых известных песен в мире -Summertime — Джордж Гершвин написал под впечатлением от колыбельной «Ой ходить сон коло вікон» в исполнении Украинского Национального хора.
3. Третий самый посещаемый в мире Макдональдс — в Киеве, возле железнодорожного вокзала. Это заведение неизменно попадает в пятерку самых людных Макдональдсов мира. В прошлом году здесь сделали более двух миллионов заказов.
4. Станция метро «Арсенальная» в Киеве — самая глубокая в мире, и она уходит под землю на 105 метров. Станцию построили одной из первых, в 1960 году, в непосредственной близости от здания парламента. По некоторым данным, в туннелях возле «Арсенальной» есть тайные убежища для политической верхушки.
5. Украинцы — пятая самая пьющая нация в мире. Их перепивают только молдаване, россияне, венгры и чехи. Среднестатистический украинец старше 15 лет в год выпивает 15,6 литров алкоголя — на литр больше ирландца и почти на два норвежца.
6. Украинский гимн состоит всего из шести строчек — четырех куплета и двух припева. Остальные куплеты гимна, созданного поэтом Павлом Чубинским и композитором Михаилом Вербицким, не были утверждены, так как не совсем политкорректны («Станем братья в бой кровавый от Сяна до Дона» подразумевает претензии на территории России и Польши).
7. В Европе раскрывают 30–40% преступлений, в Украине же — 90%. Правозащитники объясняют, что эта неестественно радужная статистика является результатом нежелания фиксировать «безнадежные» дела (например, кражи мобильных телефонов) и выбивания признаний с подозреваемых.
8. В Украине — самый большой запас марганцевой руды в мире, 2.3 миллиарда тонн или около 11% от всех залежей планеты. Ещё немало железной руды — 7% мировых запасов.
9. Украинцы, а именно конструкторское бюро Антонова, разработали самолет с самой большой грузоподъемностью в мире — Ан -255 «Мрія». Изначально он проектировался для перевозки космических кораблей. Сейчас «Мрія» делает коммерческие грузовые перевозки.
10. Украинский гетман Пылып Орлик в 1710 году представил «Пакты и Конституции прав и вольностей Войска Запорожского», на то время супер-прогресивный документ, который подразумевал разделение власти на три ветви, а также регламентировал права и обязанности власти и граждан. По сути это был договор между гетманом, казаками и всем украинским народом. Некоторые исследователи считают этот документ одной из первых в мире конституций.
11. Одна из самых известных в мире рождественских песен — это «Щедрик», народная песня, записанная украинским композитором Николаем Леонтовичем. Мир знает ее как Carol of the Bells или Ring Christmas Bells. На Youtube разные исполнения «Щедрика» набирают миллионы просмотров.
12. Украина по собственной инициативе отказалась от третьего самого большого в мире арсенала ядерного оружия. В ответ Украина получила деньги на разоружение, плюс гарантии безопасности от ядерных держав.
13. Украинскому поэту Тарасу Шевченко установлено около 1200 памятников по всему миру, большинство из них находится на западной Украине. Непонятно, кого в Украине больше — Шевченко или Ленина, потому как ни коммунистическая партия, ни министерство культуры учет вождей уже не ведут.
14. Украинец Николай Сядристый, хоть и не левша, но подковал блоху, прямо как в сказке. Блоху можно увидеть в киевском музее миниатюр.
15. В Украине, в отличие от остального мира, батарейки отдельно не утилизируются. А они содержат токсичные элементы, которые сильно загрязняют воду и почву.
16. На момент провозглашения независимости Украину населяло 19,4 миллиона свиней, сегодня их в два раза меньше — 8,3 миллиона. Не смотря на свою репутацию салоеда, среднестатистический украинец съедает всего 18 кг свинины в год. Это в три раза меньше, чем обычный немец.
17. Украинский пауэрлифтер Дмитрий Халаджи внесён в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как автор более двух десятков рекордов. Например, он выдержал «Чертову кузню» — лежал на гвоздях, а сверху клали 700-килограммовые плиты, которые разбивали кувалдами.
18. Украинский «Южмаш» (Днепропетровск) производит самые экологически чистые ракетоносители в мире. С их помощью в космос отправляют коммерческие грузы в рамках международного проекта «Морской старт».
19. Самая древняя известная учёным карта, а также самое древнее поселение Homo Sapiens найдены в Украине, в селе Межиречье Ровенской области. Им 14,5 — 15 тысяч лет. Карта выбита на кости мамонта, из этого же материала и поселение.
20. Официальный рекорд Гиннеса: недавно украинцы сделали самый большой в мире бокал для шампанского — на 56.25 литров.
1. Most words in the Ukrainian language starts with the letter "p". The most frequently used letter of the Ukrainian alphabet - the "o". Least likely to use the letter "f" and "g".
2. One of the most famous songs in the world-Summertime - George Gershwin wrote inspired by a lullaby, "Oh go sleep vіkon bell" in the performance of the Ukrainian National Chorus.
3. The third most visited in the world of McDonald's - in Kiev, near the train station. This institution has always falls into the five most crowded McDonald's in the world. In the past year there have more than two million orders.
4. Metro station "Arsenal" in Kiev - the deepest in the world, and it goes under the earth at 105 meters. The station was built one of the first, in 1960, close to the Houses of Parliament. According to some reports, in the tunnels near the "Arsenal" is a secret refuge for the political elite.
5. Ukrainians - the fifth most-drinking nation in the world. They get completely drunk only Moldovans, Russians, Hungarians and Czechs. The average Ukrainian over 15 drinks a year, 15.6 liters of alcohol - more per liter, and the Irishman almost two Norwegians.
6. Ukrainian national anthem consists of only six lines - four verses and chorus of the two. The remaining verses of the hymn, the poet created by Paul and composer Michael Chubinsky Verbitsky, were not approved because it does not quite politically correct ("Shall brothers in a bloody battle against Xiang to the Don" implies a claim on the territory of Russia and Poland).
7. In Europe, reveal 30-40% of crimes in Ukraine the same - 90%. Human rights activists explain that this unnaturally rosy statistics is the result of reluctance to commit "hopeless" cases (eg, theft of mobile phones) and extract confessions from suspects.
8. In the Ukraine - the largest reserves of manganese ore in the world, 2.3 billion tons, or about 11% of all deposits of the world. Still a lot of iron ore - 7% of world reserves.
9. Ukrainians, namely the Antonov Design Bureau developed a plane with the largest capacity in the world - An -255 "Mriya". Originally it was designed for the transport of the spacecraft. Now "Mriya" makes commercial freight.
10. Ukrainian hetman Pylyp Orlik in 1710 introduced the "Pact and Constitution rights and liberties Zaporozhian" at the time of super-Progressive document, which meant the separation of powers into three branches, as well as regulate the rights and responsibilities of government and citizens. In fact it was a contract between the hetman, the Cossacks, and all the Ukrainian people. Some researchers believe that this document one of the world's first constitution.
11. One of the world's most famous Christmas songs - a "Schedrik" folk song recorded by Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovich. The world knows her as Carol of the Bells or Ring Christmas Bells. Different performance on Youtube "Schedrika" gaining millions of hits.
12. Ukraine on its own initiative, gave a third of the world's largest arsenal of nuclear weapons. In response, Ukraine has received the money for the disarmament, plus security guarantees from nuclear powers.
13. Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko is set around 1200 sites around the world, most of them located in western Ukraine. It is unclear who in Ukraine more - Shevchenko and Lenin, as neither the Communist Party, neither the Ministry of Culture of accounting leaders no longer are.
14. Ukrainian Nikolai Syadristy, it's not left-handed, but shod flea, just like in a fairy tale. Bloch can be seen in the Kiev Museum of Miniatures.
15. In Ukraine, unlike the rest of the world, the battery itself is not recycled. And they contain toxic elements, which heavily pollute the water and soil.
16. At the time of independence, Ukraine inhabited the 19.4 million pigs, today there are half - 8.3 million. Despite its reputation saloeda, an average Ukrainian eats only 18 kg of pork per year. This is three times smaller than a typical German.
17. Ukrainian powerlifter Dmitry Khaladji included in the Guinness Book of Records as the author of more than two dozen records. For example, he survived, "Devil's smithy" - lying on a bed of nails, and put the top 700-pound plates, which are broken hammers.
18. Ukrainian "Yuzhmash" (Dnepropetrovsk) produces the most environmentally friendly delivery vehicles in the world. With their help, sent into space commercial goods in the international project "Sea Launch".
19. The oldest known map of scientists, as well as the most ancient settlement of Homo Sapiens found in Ukraine, in the village Mezhireche Rivne region. They 14,5 - 15 thousand years. Map stamped on the mammoth bones from the same material, and settlement.
20. The official Guinness world record: Ukrainians recently made the world's largest glass of champagne - to 56.25 liters.
2. One of the most famous songs in the world-Summertime - George Gershwin wrote inspired by a lullaby, "Oh go sleep vіkon bell" in the performance of the Ukrainian National Chorus.
3. The third most visited in the world of McDonald's - in Kiev, near the train station. This institution has always falls into the five most crowded McDonald's in the world. In the past year there have more than two million orders.
4. Metro station "Arsenal" in Kiev - the deepest in the world, and it goes under the earth at 105 meters. The station was built one of the first, in 1960, close to the Houses of Parliament. According to some reports, in the tunnels near the "Arsenal" is a secret refuge for the political elite.
5. Ukrainians - the fifth most-drinking nation in the world. They get completely drunk only Moldovans, Russians, Hungarians and Czechs. The average Ukrainian over 15 drinks a year, 15.6 liters of alcohol - more per liter, and the Irishman almost two Norwegians.
6. Ukrainian national anthem consists of only six lines - four verses and chorus of the two. The remaining verses of the hymn, the poet created by Paul and composer Michael Chubinsky Verbitsky, were not approved because it does not quite politically correct ("Shall brothers in a bloody battle against Xiang to the Don" implies a claim on the territory of Russia and Poland).
7. In Europe, reveal 30-40% of crimes in Ukraine the same - 90%. Human rights activists explain that this unnaturally rosy statistics is the result of reluctance to commit "hopeless" cases (eg, theft of mobile phones) and extract confessions from suspects.
8. In the Ukraine - the largest reserves of manganese ore in the world, 2.3 billion tons, or about 11% of all deposits of the world. Still a lot of iron ore - 7% of world reserves.
9. Ukrainians, namely the Antonov Design Bureau developed a plane with the largest capacity in the world - An -255 "Mriya". Originally it was designed for the transport of the spacecraft. Now "Mriya" makes commercial freight.
10. Ukrainian hetman Pylyp Orlik in 1710 introduced the "Pact and Constitution rights and liberties Zaporozhian" at the time of super-Progressive document, which meant the separation of powers into three branches, as well as regulate the rights and responsibilities of government and citizens. In fact it was a contract between the hetman, the Cossacks, and all the Ukrainian people. Some researchers believe that this document one of the world's first constitution.
11. One of the world's most famous Christmas songs - a "Schedrik" folk song recorded by Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovich. The world knows her as Carol of the Bells or Ring Christmas Bells. Different performance on Youtube "Schedrika" gaining millions of hits.
12. Ukraine on its own initiative, gave a third of the world's largest arsenal of nuclear weapons. In response, Ukraine has received the money for the disarmament, plus security guarantees from nuclear powers.
13. Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko is set around 1200 sites around the world, most of them located in western Ukraine. It is unclear who in Ukraine more - Shevchenko and Lenin, as neither the Communist Party, neither the Ministry of Culture of accounting leaders no longer are.
14. Ukrainian Nikolai Syadristy, it's not left-handed, but shod flea, just like in a fairy tale. Bloch can be seen in the Kiev Museum of Miniatures.
15. In Ukraine, unlike the rest of the world, the battery itself is not recycled. And they contain toxic elements, which heavily pollute the water and soil.
16. At the time of independence, Ukraine inhabited the 19.4 million pigs, today there are half - 8.3 million. Despite its reputation saloeda, an average Ukrainian eats only 18 kg of pork per year. This is three times smaller than a typical German.
17. Ukrainian powerlifter Dmitry Khaladji included in the Guinness Book of Records as the author of more than two dozen records. For example, he survived, "Devil's smithy" - lying on a bed of nails, and put the top 700-pound plates, which are broken hammers.
18. Ukrainian "Yuzhmash" (Dnepropetrovsk) produces the most environmentally friendly delivery vehicles in the world. With their help, sent into space commercial goods in the international project "Sea Launch".
19. The oldest known map of scientists, as well as the most ancient settlement of Homo Sapiens found in Ukraine, in the village Mezhireche Rivne region. They 14,5 - 15 thousand years. Map stamped on the mammoth bones from the same material, and settlement.
20. The official Guinness world record: Ukrainians recently made the world's largest glass of champagne - to 56.25 liters.
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