В 1945 году, когда Берлин уже готов был сдаться под натиском русских войск, Адольф Гитлер решил покончить с собой, своей новой женой Евой Браун, а заодно и с собакой Блонди. Даже её щенков было велено застрелить. А чего вы ждали? Это был Гитлер...
Потом пришли русские и обнаружили в бункере трупы. Это произошло примерно через семь часов после смерти Гитлера. Тела захоронили. Однако, через некоторое время Сталин решил, что Гитлер слишком легко отделался, велел провести эксгумацию и изъять часть черепа и челюсть фюрера. Видимо, фотографические свидетельства не представлялись Иосифу Виссарионовичу достаточно убедительными.
Позже, в 1970 году место нового захоронения перешло под контроль Восточной Германии. Опасаясь, что оно может стать предметом поклонения, Советы направили группу сотрудников КГБ, которые снова выкопали гитлеровские останки, кремировали их, а прах развеяли над Эльбой.
На этом дело было закрыто… до 2009 года, когда был сделан ДНК анализ «фрагмента черепа Гитлера», который, как оказалось, принадлежал женщине не старше сорока.
То есть, либо они прихватили не тот череп, либо Гитлер скрывал большой секрет.
Дело было снова открыто. Строились самые смелые предположения. Челюсть из того же набора по сей день подозрительно ревностно охраняется русскими под предлогом «чрезвычайной хрупкости». Несмотря на все дипломатические усилия, они ни в какую не хотят предоставить её для исследования, и тайна так и остаётся нераскрытой. А значит, не исключён вариант, что 120-летний фюрер до сих пор наслаждается жизнью в собственном особняке где-нибудь в Аргентине.
The skull, which was believed to have belonged to Adolf Hitler, was actually a skull 40 year old woman
In 1945, when Berlin was ready to surrender under the pressure of Russian troops, Adolf Hitler decided to commit suicide, his new wife Eva Braun, and along with the dog Blondi. Even her puppy had been ordered to shoot. What are you waiting for? It was Hitler.
Then came the Russian and found dead in a bunker. This happened about seven hours after the death of Hitler. The bodies were buried. However, after a while Stalin decided that Hitler too lightly, ordered to exhume and remove the skull and jaw of the Fuhrer. Apparently, the photographic evidence not presented to Joseph Vissarionovich convincing enough.
Later, in 1970 a new burial place came under the control of East Germany. Fearing that it might become an object of worship, the Soviets sent a group of KGB officers, who once again dug the remains of Hitler, they were cremated and the ashes scattered over the Elbe.
In this case was closed ... until 2009, when DNA analysis was done, "Hitler's skull fragment" which, as it turned out, belonged to a woman no older than forty.
That is, they snatched or not the skull, or Hitler hiding a big secret.
The case was again open. Built the most daring assumption. Jaw from the same set is still suspicious jealously guarded Russian under the pretext of "extreme fragility." Despite all the diplomatic efforts, they do not in any want to give it to the study, and the mystery still remains unsolved. So, do not rule out the possibility that the 120-year-old Hitler is still enjoying life in his own house somewhere in Argentina.
In 1945, when Berlin was ready to surrender under the pressure of Russian troops, Adolf Hitler decided to commit suicide, his new wife Eva Braun, and along with the dog Blondi. Even her puppy had been ordered to shoot. What are you waiting for? It was Hitler.
Then came the Russian and found dead in a bunker. This happened about seven hours after the death of Hitler. The bodies were buried. However, after a while Stalin decided that Hitler too lightly, ordered to exhume and remove the skull and jaw of the Fuhrer. Apparently, the photographic evidence not presented to Joseph Vissarionovich convincing enough.
Later, in 1970 a new burial place came under the control of East Germany. Fearing that it might become an object of worship, the Soviets sent a group of KGB officers, who once again dug the remains of Hitler, they were cremated and the ashes scattered over the Elbe.
In this case was closed ... until 2009, when DNA analysis was done, "Hitler's skull fragment" which, as it turned out, belonged to a woman no older than forty.
That is, they snatched or not the skull, or Hitler hiding a big secret.
The case was again open. Built the most daring assumption. Jaw from the same set is still suspicious jealously guarded Russian under the pretext of "extreme fragility." Despite all the diplomatic efforts, they do not in any want to give it to the study, and the mystery still remains unsolved. So, do not rule out the possibility that the 120-year-old Hitler is still enjoying life in his own house somewhere in Argentina.
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