Праздничное настроение и антураж можно легко и быстро создать своими руками...
Создание атмосферы праздника полностью в наших руках. Приложив
капельку фантазии и творческих способностей, можно превратить в
новогодние украшения, елки и венки даже рулон туалетной бумаги. А если у
вас под рукой окажутся еще и ножницы, и краски, то есть все шансы
сделать эксклюзивную дизайнерскую игрушку для елки или украшение для
праздничного стола.
Предлагаем несколько интересных и недорогих идей для Нового года.
Новогодние шары из ниток
Нитки нужно обмакнуть в клей ПВА и аккуратно обматать ими надутый воздушный шар. После того, как подсохнет, воздушный шар сдуть.
Венок из яблок и яблочная чашка
Может, яблоки это и не новогодний фрукт, но венок из яблок и яблочная чашка — смотрятся очень празднично.
Игрушки из арахиса
Оригами Дед Мороз
Снеговики из носка
Вам понадобится детские белые гольфы (или колготки), носки с цветным
рисунком, пшено, стержень от оранжевого карандаша (из него делаем
нос-морковку), иголки и нитки, пуговицы.
Макаронные елочные игрушки
Вам понадобятся макароны, клеящий пистолет, акриловые перламутровые краски, глиттеры и ленточки.
Пингвины из бутылок
Снежинки «Звездные войны»
Елочные игрушки из лампочек
Кружки в шарфах
Если шарфики декоративны, то манжеты от свитера сохранят тепло кружки и не дадут обжечься.
Ажурная ёлочка
Для такой красоты лучше взять небьющийся шарик. Потому что вы захотите его сохранить.
Воздушный шар
Шар пластиковый, монетка для веса в корзинке.
Снежинки из бисера
Рецепт для Золушки
Блестящая реинкарнация. Сколько же туфель не дождалось своего звездного часа и было выброшено после прогулок по брусчатке.
Снежинки из пластиковых бутылок
Отрезать низ бутылки, шилом сделать дырочку, нарисовать снежинку.
Звезда на палочке
Открытка своими руками
Елочка выполнена из полос бумаги прямоугольной формы, сложенных гармошкой.
Шары из бутылок
Бутылку порезать на тонкие кольца, скрепить и украсить.
Со снеговиками все совсем просто. Берется любой белый предмет и украшается морковкой и глазками.
Украшения из клея
Клей, темные бусинки для глаз, длинная оранжевая бусинка для морковки.
Жестяная елочка
Если вы счастливый обладатель сарая, набитого металлоломом, то вам
легко сделать такой арт-объект. Но, как правило, такие счастливцы не
понимают как им повезло.
Кружевной шар
Кружева, клей и шар. Кружева лучше брать легкие.
Венок из прищепок
И прищепки не потеряют своей полезности.
Елка из канцелярских кнопок
Елка на палочках
Новогодний фон для фотографий
Шар из корицы
Понадобится пенопластовый шар, клей и палочки корицы.
Именной шар
Таким же образом можно сделать открытки.
Венок из формочек для выпечки
Скрепить проволокой или ленточками.
Это совсем просто. Для них нужен только черно-белый принтер и картинки, которые вам нравятся.
Елку нарядили, интерьер украсили, осталось только празднично оформить
свертки, коробки и пакеты с подарками близким и не очень родственникам,
друзьям и любимым.
Можно, конечно, отделаться и традиционной упаковочной бумагой с
бантами из декоративной ленты. Но согласитесь, это скучно и никому не
Применив фантазию и на первый взгляд неожиданные подручные средства,
можно сделать уникальный и очень личный дизайн упаковки новогоднего или
рождественского подарка.
Вместо банта
Елочные шары
Игрушка (например, из киндер-сюрприза)
Елочка или снеговик.
Пуговица – дешевая и совершенно крутая идея.
Войлочные шарики
Брошки, ключики или другие девичьи сокровища и блестяшки.
Знаменитый Рождественский печенько-человечек
Цветы из фетра
Совершенно новогодний вариант – шишки.
Или просто веточка, еловая и не только.
Салфетки, вязаные и бумажные.
Фотографии тех, кому подарки предназначены.
Конфетки Candy Cane, настоящие и самодельные.
Буквы. Например, инициалы подаркополучателя или сокращения вроде 4U и XO XO:
Упаковочная лента
Простая целлофановая вроде тех, которой оборачивают цветы – слишком
избитый прием для такого волшебного праздника, как Новый Год.
Бархатная лента
Блестящая лента
Кусочек обоев, иллюстрация, распечатанная или нарисованная вручную.
Вместо упаковочной бумаги
Можно нанести клей на обычную бумагу и посыпать ее конфетти.
И еще несколько идей.
Путем нехитрых манипуляций с ножницами можно сделать объемную аппликацию:
Если включить хороший вкус и фантазию, то отличным вариантом окажется и лоток из-под яиц:
Даже тот подарок, который будет вручен в руки или найден пол ёлкой, можно оформить как посылку (или конверт):
Упаковку можно украсить рисунком собственного исполнения:
Или и вовсе нарисовать на ней то, что представляет собой сам подарок:
Счастливого Нового года!
Уже совсем скоро Новый год и бумажные снежинки – один из основных
атрибутов этого праздника. Для изготовления потребуются ножницы и
бумага. Чем тоньше будет лист бумаги, тем более воздушные, резные
снежинки вы сможете сделать. Предлагаем вашему вниманию несколько
вариантов изготовления снежинок.
Как сделать снежинку из бумаги с 4 лучами
Квадрат сгибаем по диагонали
Сгибаем бумагу еще раз
Вырезаем узор
Результат – снежинка с четырьмя лучами
Как сделать снежинку из бумаги с 8 лучами
Делаем треугольник из цветной бумаги
Сгибаем бумажный треугольник еще раз
Еще раз …
Сгибаем последний раз наш листочек
Отрезаем лишнее
Вырезаем снежинку
Получили снежинку с 8 лучами
Как сделать снежинку из бумаги с 5 лучами
Делаем треугольник и сгибаем один край треугольника
Делаем маленький треугольничек. Он понадобится для последующих действий
Сгибаем один край бумаги по краю маленького треугольника
Сгибаем по другому краю маленького треугольника
Сгибаем бумагу еще раз
Согнув еще раз – получили острый треугольник
А так выглядит лист если его развернуть
Ножницами отрезаем край бумаги
Проявляем фантазию. Вырезаем узор из бумаги
Получили снежинку из пяти лучей
Как сделать снежинку из бумаги с 6 лучами
Начинаем сгибать
Сгибаем левый край бумаги будущей снежинки
Сгибаем правый край
Делаем изгиб посередине листа
Сгибаем по этой линии
Срезаем лишнюю бумагу
Вырезаем узор
И помните: в деле изготовления снежинок и украшения дома самое
главное – это фантазия и желание сделать что-то своими руками. Вот еще
несколько вариантов:
The festive mood and surroundings can be easily and quickly create their own hands.
Creating a festive atmosphere is completely in our hands. With a bit of imagination and creativity, you can turn to Christmas decorations, Christmas trees and wreaths, even the toilet paper roll. And if you have on hand will be even and scissors, and paint, there is every chance of making exclusive designer toys for the Christmas tree or decorating for the holiday table.
We offer a number of interesting and inexpensive ideas for the new year.Christmas balls with threads
Threads need to dip in PVA glue and carefully obmatat their inflated balloon. Once dry, the balloon blow.
35 Ideas for the New YearWreath of apples and apple bowl
Maybe it's apples and Christmas fruit, but a wreath of apples and apple cup - look very festive.
35 Ideas for the New Year
Toys made of peanuts
35 Ideas for the New YearOrigami Santa Claus
35 Ideas for the New YearSnowmen of the sock
You will need a children's white socks (or tights), socks with colored drawings, millet, stem from the orange pencil (it is made into a nose-carrot), needle and thread, buttons.
35 Ideas for the New YearPasta Christmas toys
You will need pasta, glue gun, acrylic pearl paint, glitter and ribbons.
35 Ideas for the New YearPenguins from bottles
35 Ideas for the New YearSnowflakes "Star Wars"
35 Ideas for the New YearChristmas toys of the bulbs
35 Ideas for the New YearCircles in scarves
If decorative scarves, the cuffs of sweaters to keep warm mug and will not let burn.
35 Ideas for the New YearOpenwork Christmas tree
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearShar-portrait
To better take this beauty unbreakable ball. Because you want to keep it.
35 Ideas for the New YearBalloon
Plastic ball, a coin for the weight in the basket.
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearBeaded Snowflakes
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearRecipe for Cinderella
Brilliant reincarnation. How many shoes do not live to see his moment of glory and was ejected after walking on the pavement.
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearFlakes of plastic bottles
Cut off the bottom of the bottle, make a hole with an awl, draw a snowflake.
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearStar on a stick
35 Ideas for the New YearCard with his own hands
Herringbone made of rectangular strips of paper, folded like an accordion.
35 Ideas for the New YearBalls of bottles
Bottle cut into thin rings, seal and decorate.
35 Ideas for the New YearSnowmen
With snowmen all quite simple. Take any white object and decorated carrot and eyes.
35 Ideas for the New YearOrnaments made of glue
Clay, black beads for eyes, long orange bead for carrots.
35 Ideas for the New YearTin Tree
If you've got a barn, stuffed scrap metal, then you can easily make such an art object. But, as a rule, these do not understand how lucky they were lucky.
35 Ideas for the New YearLace ball
Lace, glue, and a ball. Lace is better to take your lungs.
35 Ideas for the New YearWreath from clothespins
And the clips will not lose their usefulness.
35 Ideas for the New YearTree of the stationery buttons
35 Ideas for the New YearTree on a stick
35 Ideas for the New YearChristmas background for photos
35 Ideas for the New YearBowl of cinnamon
Need a foam ball, glue and cinnamon sticks.
35 Ideas for the New YearAuthor ball
Similarly, you can make cards.
35 Ideas for the New YearDecoration
35 Ideas for the New YearWreath of molds for baking
Staple wire or ribbon.
35 Ideas for the New YearAngel
35 Ideas for the New YearRetro Jewelry
It's quite simple. For them, the only black-and-white printer and pictures that you like.
Creating a festive atmosphere is completely in our hands. With a bit of imagination and creativity, you can turn to Christmas decorations, Christmas trees and wreaths, even the toilet paper roll. And if you have on hand will be even and scissors, and paint, there is every chance of making exclusive designer toys for the Christmas tree or decorating for the holiday table.
We offer a number of interesting and inexpensive ideas for the new year.Christmas balls with threads
Threads need to dip in PVA glue and carefully obmatat their inflated balloon. Once dry, the balloon blow.
35 Ideas for the New YearWreath of apples and apple bowl
Maybe it's apples and Christmas fruit, but a wreath of apples and apple cup - look very festive.
35 Ideas for the New Year
Toys made of peanuts
35 Ideas for the New YearOrigami Santa Claus
35 Ideas for the New YearSnowmen of the sock
You will need a children's white socks (or tights), socks with colored drawings, millet, stem from the orange pencil (it is made into a nose-carrot), needle and thread, buttons.
35 Ideas for the New YearPasta Christmas toys
You will need pasta, glue gun, acrylic pearl paint, glitter and ribbons.
35 Ideas for the New YearPenguins from bottles
35 Ideas for the New YearSnowflakes "Star Wars"
35 Ideas for the New YearChristmas toys of the bulbs
35 Ideas for the New YearCircles in scarves
If decorative scarves, the cuffs of sweaters to keep warm mug and will not let burn.
35 Ideas for the New YearOpenwork Christmas tree
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearShar-portrait
To better take this beauty unbreakable ball. Because you want to keep it.
35 Ideas for the New YearBalloon
Plastic ball, a coin for the weight in the basket.
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearBeaded Snowflakes
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearRecipe for Cinderella
Brilliant reincarnation. How many shoes do not live to see his moment of glory and was ejected after walking on the pavement.
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearFlakes of plastic bottles
Cut off the bottom of the bottle, make a hole with an awl, draw a snowflake.
35 Ideas for the New Year
35 Ideas for the New YearStar on a stick
35 Ideas for the New YearCard with his own hands
Herringbone made of rectangular strips of paper, folded like an accordion.
35 Ideas for the New YearBalls of bottles
Bottle cut into thin rings, seal and decorate.
35 Ideas for the New YearSnowmen
With snowmen all quite simple. Take any white object and decorated carrot and eyes.
35 Ideas for the New YearOrnaments made of glue
Clay, black beads for eyes, long orange bead for carrots.
35 Ideas for the New YearTin Tree
If you've got a barn, stuffed scrap metal, then you can easily make such an art object. But, as a rule, these do not understand how lucky they were lucky.
35 Ideas for the New YearLace ball
Lace, glue, and a ball. Lace is better to take your lungs.
35 Ideas for the New YearWreath from clothespins
And the clips will not lose their usefulness.
35 Ideas for the New YearTree of the stationery buttons
35 Ideas for the New YearTree on a stick
35 Ideas for the New YearChristmas background for photos
35 Ideas for the New YearBowl of cinnamon
Need a foam ball, glue and cinnamon sticks.
35 Ideas for the New YearAuthor ball
Similarly, you can make cards.
35 Ideas for the New YearDecoration
35 Ideas for the New YearWreath of molds for baking
Staple wire or ribbon.
35 Ideas for the New YearAngel
35 Ideas for the New YearRetro Jewelry
It's quite simple. For them, the only black-and-white printer and pictures that you like.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packDressed
Christmas tree, decorated interior, you just make a festive
convolution, boxes and bags with gifts and not very close relatives,
friends and loved ones.
You can certainly get rid of the traditional and the packing paper with ribbons of decorative ribbon. But you must admit, it's boring, and no one remembered.
Using imagination and seemingly unexpected handy tools, you can make a unique and very personal design package of the New Year or Christmas gift.Instead of a bow
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Christmas balls
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Toy (for example, from the kinder-surprise)
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Herringbone or snowman.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Button - cheap and very cool idea.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Felt Balls
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Brooches, key or other girls' treasures and blestyashki.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Famous Christmas cookies-man
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Flowers of felt
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Absolutely New option - cones.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Or just a twig, spruce, and more.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Napkins, woven and paper.Labels
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Photos of those gifts are intended.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Sweetie Candy Cane, real and improvised.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Letters. For example, the initials podarkopoluchatelya or reduce such 4U and XO XO:Sealing tape
Simple cellophane like those wrapped flowers - too hyped reception for such a magical holiday as New Year.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Velvet ribbon
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Shiny ribbon
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
A piece of wallpaper, illustration, printed or drawn by hand.Instead of wrapping paper
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
You can paste the plain paper and sprinkle it with confetti.
And a few more ideas.
By simple manipulations can be done with scissors volume applications:
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
If you include good taste and imagination, it would be a great option and the tray out of eggs:
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Even the one gift that will be presented in hands or found half the tree, can be designed as a parcel (or envelope):
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Packaging can decorate their own pattern of performance:
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Or at all to draw on it what is the gift itself:
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Happy new year!
You can certainly get rid of the traditional and the packing paper with ribbons of decorative ribbon. But you must admit, it's boring, and no one remembered.
Using imagination and seemingly unexpected handy tools, you can make a unique and very personal design package of the New Year or Christmas gift.Instead of a bow
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Christmas balls
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Toy (for example, from the kinder-surprise)
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Herringbone or snowman.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Button - cheap and very cool idea.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Felt Balls
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Brooches, key or other girls' treasures and blestyashki.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Famous Christmas cookies-man
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Flowers of felt
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Absolutely New option - cones.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Or just a twig, spruce, and more.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Napkins, woven and paper.Labels
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Photos of those gifts are intended.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Sweetie Candy Cane, real and improvised.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift packHow beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Letters. For example, the initials podarkopoluchatelya or reduce such 4U and XO XO:Sealing tape
Simple cellophane like those wrapped flowers - too hyped reception for such a magical holiday as New Year.
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Velvet ribbon
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Shiny ribbon
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
A piece of wallpaper, illustration, printed or drawn by hand.Instead of wrapping paper
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
You can paste the plain paper and sprinkle it with confetti.
And a few more ideas.
By simple manipulations can be done with scissors volume applications:
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
If you include good taste and imagination, it would be a great option and the tray out of eggs:
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Even the one gift that will be presented in hands or found half the tree, can be designed as a parcel (or envelope):
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Packaging can decorate their own pattern of performance:
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Or at all to draw on it what is the gift itself:
How beautiful and unusual Christmas gift pack
Happy new year!
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paperVery soon the New Year, and paper snowflakes - one of the key attributes of this holiday. Required for the manufacture of scissors and paper. The thinner the paper is, the more air, carved snowflakes you can do. Here are some options for making snowflakes.How to make a snowflake out of paper with 4 beams
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend square diagonally
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Fold the paper again
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut out the pattern
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
The result - a snowflake with four beamsHow to make a snowflake out of paper with eight rays
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Make a triangle of colored paper
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend the paper triangle again
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Once again ...
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend the last time our leaflet
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut off excess
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut a snowflake
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Received a snowflake with 8 raysHow to make a snowflake out of paper with 5 rays
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Make a triangle and bend one end of the triangle
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Make a small triangle. He will need to follow
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend one end of the paper on the edge of a small triangle
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend at the other edge a small triangle
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Fold the paper again
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bent again - got a sharp triangle
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
And if it looks like a sheet deploy
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Scissors, cut the edge of the paper
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Manifested imagination. Cut a pattern out of paper
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Snowflake got five raysHow to make a snowflake out of paper with 6 rays
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Begin to bend
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend the left edge of the paper snowflakes future
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend the right edge
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Make a bend in the middle of the sheet
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend on the line
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut off the excess paper
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut out the pattern
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
And remember, in the manufacture of snowflakes and decorate the house the most important - it is a fantasy and a desire to do something with their hands. Here are some options
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend square diagonally
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Fold the paper again
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut out the pattern
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
The result - a snowflake with four beamsHow to make a snowflake out of paper with eight rays
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Make a triangle of colored paper
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend the paper triangle again
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Once again ...
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend the last time our leaflet
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut off excess
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut a snowflake
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Received a snowflake with 8 raysHow to make a snowflake out of paper with 5 rays
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Make a triangle and bend one end of the triangle
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Make a small triangle. He will need to follow
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend one end of the paper on the edge of a small triangle
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend at the other edge a small triangle
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Fold the paper again
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bent again - got a sharp triangle
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
And if it looks like a sheet deploy
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Scissors, cut the edge of the paper
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Manifested imagination. Cut a pattern out of paper
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Snowflake got five raysHow to make a snowflake out of paper with 6 rays
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Begin to bend
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend the left edge of the paper snowflakes future
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend the right edge
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Make a bend in the middle of the sheet
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Bend on the line
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut off the excess paper
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
Cut out the pattern
How to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper
And remember, in the manufacture of snowflakes and decorate the house the most important - it is a fantasy and a desire to do something with their hands. Here are some options
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