Жанна Кальмон (февраль 1875 — август 1997) установила мировой рекорд продолжительности жизни — 122 года и 164 дня (и это абсолютно проверенный факт). Жанна — француженка, она родилась в Орли. Когда построили Эйфелеву башню, ей было 14 лет...
Мадам Кальмон всегда вела активный образ жизни. В 85 лет она занималась фехтованием, а в 100 ездила на велосипеде. Жанна была замужем за двоюродным братом, они прожили вместе 46 лет. Свою дочь Ивонну и внука Фредерика мадам пережила.
С долгожительством Кальмон связан юридический курьез. В свои 90 лет Жанна, у которой не осталось наследников, заключила договор с 47-летним юристом Раффри: он должен был унаследовать дом cтaрушки за то, что будет каждый месяц до ее смерти выплачивать ей ренту. Стоимость дома примерно равнялась сумме, которую он выплатил бы за 10 лет. Однако судьба не сдержала улыбки. Раффри не только платил Жанне в течение 30 лет, но и умер раньше нее, в свои 77, а выплаты по закону продолжила его вдова.
О Кальмон узнал весь мир, когда в 1988-м в честь столетия Ван Гога она рассказала в интервью, как в 14 лет встречалась с художником. «Он был грязен, плохо одет и хмур». Также Жанна была на похоронах Гюго.
Кальмон стала самой старой актрисой в мире, в 114 лет снявшись в документальном фильме «Винсент и я». И самой старой пациенткой хирургов, когда в 115 перенесла операцию на бедре.
А курить Жанна бросила в 117 лет. И не потому, что плохо себя чувствовала. Просто ей, почти потерявшей зрение, было неприятно каждый раз просить прикурить. Она сама обслуживала себя до 110-летнего возраста и лишь после перебралась в приют.
Изречения мадам Кальмон:
«Бог обо мне позабыл!»
«У меня всего одна морщина, и я на ней сижу».
«Я влюблена в вино».
«Я была немолода уже сто лет назад».
Когда Жанну на 120-м дне рождения спросили, каким, по ее мнению, окажется будущее, мадам дала гениальный ответ: «Очень коротким».
Jeanne Kalmon (February 1875 - August 1997) set a world record of life - 122 years and 164 days (and it is absolutely proven fact). Jeanne - a Frenchwoman, she was born at Orly. When built the Eiffel Tower, she was 14 years old.
Madame Kalmon always led an active life. In the 85 years she worked in fencing, and 100 went on a bike. Joan was married to a cousin, they have lived together for 46 years. His daughter Yvonne and grandson of Frederick Madame survived.
With longevity Kalmon associated legal curiosity. In his 90 years Jeanne, who had no heirs left, signed a contract with 47-year-old lawyer Raffri: he had inherited the house ctarushki for what will be a month before her death to pay her rent. The cost of the house was roughly equivalent to the amount that he paid the least for 10 years. But fate did not smile. Raffri not only paid to Jeanne for 30 years, but died before her, in his 77, and payments under the law continued to his widow.
About Kalmon found all over the world, when in 1988 in honor of the century, the Van Gogh she said in an interview in 14 years, met with the artist. "He was dirty, badly dressed and sullen." Also, Jeanne has been at the funeral of Victor Hugo.
Kalmon has become the oldest actress in the world in 114 years when she appeared in the documentary film "Vincent and Me". And the oldest patient surgery, when the 115 had an operation on his hip.
A smoke Joan threw in 117 years. And not because he was feeling sick. She just almost lost her eyesight, it was unpleasant to ask every time a light. She served a 110-year-old age, and only after moving to a shelter.
Maxims of Madame Kalmon:"God has forgotten about me!""I have only one wrinkle, and I'm sitting on it.""I'm in love with wine.""I was not young for a hundred years ago."
When Joan was on 120th birthday, was asked how, in her opinion, will be the future Madame gave a brilliant response: "It is very short."
Madame Kalmon always led an active life. In the 85 years she worked in fencing, and 100 went on a bike. Joan was married to a cousin, they have lived together for 46 years. His daughter Yvonne and grandson of Frederick Madame survived.
With longevity Kalmon associated legal curiosity. In his 90 years Jeanne, who had no heirs left, signed a contract with 47-year-old lawyer Raffri: he had inherited the house ctarushki for what will be a month before her death to pay her rent. The cost of the house was roughly equivalent to the amount that he paid the least for 10 years. But fate did not smile. Raffri not only paid to Jeanne for 30 years, but died before her, in his 77, and payments under the law continued to his widow.
About Kalmon found all over the world, when in 1988 in honor of the century, the Van Gogh she said in an interview in 14 years, met with the artist. "He was dirty, badly dressed and sullen." Also, Jeanne has been at the funeral of Victor Hugo.
Kalmon has become the oldest actress in the world in 114 years when she appeared in the documentary film "Vincent and Me". And the oldest patient surgery, when the 115 had an operation on his hip.
A smoke Joan threw in 117 years. And not because he was feeling sick. She just almost lost her eyesight, it was unpleasant to ask every time a light. She served a 110-year-old age, and only after moving to a shelter.
Maxims of Madame Kalmon:"God has forgotten about me!""I have only one wrinkle, and I'm sitting on it.""I'm in love with wine.""I was not young for a hundred years ago."
When Joan was on 120th birthday, was asked how, in her opinion, will be the future Madame gave a brilliant response: "It is very short."
Touche. Solid arguments. Keep up the good spirit.
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