Apple — это крупная транснациональная компания она специализуетьеся на производстве программного обеспечения, бытовой техники и мобильных телефонов. Учредителями гиганта были Стив Джобс, Стив Возняк и Рональд Уэйн, случилось это 1 апреля 1976 года...

Некоторым это может показаться смешным, но первый главный офис фирмы находился в маленьком гараже и кто бы мог подумать, что такая бесперспективная на первый взгляд компания может стать мировым лидером по производству высоких технологий. Название Apple придумал Стивен Джобс, как утверждает он, имя пришло ему в голову само по себе так как яблоко его любимимий фрукт.

За долгие годы своего существования компания пержила много взлетов и падения. Первым успехом фирмы произошел во время выпуска первого компьютера Apple I. Через довольно большую цену Apple I он не получил значительного распространения, удалось продать около 200 таких машин. Многие называют появление Apple II в 1977 году началом компьютерной революции. Некоторые с упорством утверждают, что это был самый первый прототип компьютера,которий у каждого из нас теперь стоит дома.
В начале 1980 годов для компании наступили тяжелые времена и связано это было прежде всего с тем, что соучредитель Стив Возняк ушел из компании. Была провалена новая модель компьютеров Apple III, в результате чего через некоторое время IBM выпущено свой первый персональный компьютер и перхватила тереза лидерства.

Но компания не собиралась складывать руки и выпустила новый пользовательский графический интерфейс, была впервые возможность в пользователю использовать мышку, для работы с компьютером от Apple под названием Lisa. Но проект не достиг больших результатов за космическую цену такого компьютера 10000 долларов. Затем из фирмы уходит и сам Стив Джобс после этого компании ждут одни поражения и неудачи. Но в 1996 корпорация покупает фирму Джобса NeXT и он всерьез берется поднять компанию на самые вершины рынка. Первым по-настоящему успешным проектом Apple за последнии Несколько лет стал новый компьютер iMac. Через год после того, как Джобс вновь стал Главой Apple в 2001 году следующим прорыв для Apple стало создание такой операционной системы Mac OS X на базе NEXTSTEP и Unix. В 2001 году ими был создан первый цифровой плеер iPod.

Сегодня, спустя много лет после появления первого iPod, представлено уже 5 поколение ЭТИХ плееров. iPod занимают немного немало более 70 процентов рынка цифровых плееров, и в обозримому будущем у Apple нет конкурентов. На сегодня фирма Apple пользуется уважением у пользователей во всем мире за их надежность и за креативные идеи корпорации. Я думаю было бы интересно посмотреть на новый офис apple, на их работу, не правда ли? У Вас будет такая возможность в следующих постах. Надеемся вам эта информация была полезна и познавательна. Удачи!
1. На первом логотипе Apple был изображен Исаак Ньютон
Наверное, самый известный логотип Apple — это разноцветное яблоко. Сейчас именно он считается винтажным ретро-знаком Apple, хотя официально первым было далеко не яблоко. На самом первом логотипе Apple был изображен Исаак Ньютон, сидящий под яблоней — незамысловатый сюжет легенды про открытие сэром Исааком силы всемирного тяготения.

1-й логотип Apple
Логотип с Ньютоном нарисовал наименее известный из трех сооснователей Apple — Рональд Вейн (Ronald Wayne). Кстати, ещё один занимательный факт: Вейн продал свои акции Стиву Джобсу и Стиву Возняку за 800 долларов, а сегодня они могли бы принести ему 22 миллиарда. Но вернёмся к логотипу. Компания недолго пользовалась услугами сэра Ньютона — из-за сильной детализации в сжатом виде логотип плохо смотрелся на продуктах компании, и в 1976 году его заменили.

Заменили тем самым знаменитым радужным яблоком, которое нарисовал Роб Яноф (Rob Janoff). Оно оставалось символом компании многие годы, пока в 1998 году не сменилось одноцветным вариантом.
2. Чтобы добыть денег на производство Apple I, Возняк продал инженерный калькулятор

Стив Возняк
Чтобы собрать деньги на покупку деталей для выполнения первых заказов по Apple I, Стив Джобс продал свой фургон Volkswagen, а Возняк, в то время работавший в HP, за 500 долларов расстался с инженерным калькулятором Hewlett-Packard 65.
Если вы родились в 90-х, то можете справедливо удивиться, что простой калькулятор мог стоить таких денег, но в 1976 году инженерный калькулятор стоил не меньше, чем сегодня стоит ноутбук, а HP-65 и вовсе был «самым компактным программируемым компьютером».

Hewlett-Packard 65
Воз тогда неплохо на нём заработал, учитывая, что новый калькулятор стоил 795 долларов, а его экземпляр был довольно поношенным, поскольку использовался и в хвост, и в гриву. Интересно, задумывался ли покупатель о том, что держит в руках исторический предмет? Вы только представьте, сколько бы он стоил сейчас на Ebay.
3. Apple I продавали за 666 долларов и 66 центов
Наибольшей критике всегда подвергаются цены на современные компьютеры Apple. Но исторически так сложилось, что продукты Apple всегда стоили дорого. Если учесть инфляцию и пересчитать цены, то окажется, что самый первый компьютер Apple стоил дороже современного MacBook Air и даже 17-дюймового MacBook Pro.

Apple I
То, что на ценнике Apple I значилось 666 долларов и 66 центов, никак не связано с числом зверя — этому есть вполне практичное объяснение. В одном из интервью Стив Возняк объяснил, как сформировалась такая цена:
«Я тогда увлекался повторами цифр» — сказал он и объяснил, что оптовая цена Apple I для магазинов составляла 500 долларов, с учетом наценки розничная стоимость получалась около 667 долларов, которую Воз «округлил» до 666.66 — «просто чтобы было легче набирать».
4. Apple изобрела «собакорову»
Слышали когда-нибудь о «собакорове»? А вот давние пользователи Apple наверняка слышали — она входила в состав египетского шрифта на первом Macintosh. Когда этот шрифт упразднили, собакорова переселилась в LaserWriter Driver 4.0 и стала своеобразным талисманом технарей Apple.

Собакорову по имени Клэрус (Clarus) создала Сьюзан Кери (Susan Kare). Это животное можно было найти во всех версиях операционных систем для Mac вплоть до OS X. В конце 80-х собакорова стала популярной в разных кругах разработчиков — даже Microsoft когда-то использовала собакорову в своей рекламе.
Не удивительно, что Apple это не понравилось. Служба поддержки разработчиков компании составила техническую записку, в которой объяснила все особенности животного. Потом эта записка № 31 в качестве пасхального яйца была записана на первые компакт-диски Apple Developer, а Clarus и Dogcow стали зарегистрированными торговыми знаками Apple.
5. Название «Macintosh» произошло от яблока
То, что компьютер Apple Lisa Стив Джобс назвал в честь своей дочери, — известный факт, но немногие знают откуда произошло название «Macintosh». Это имя в честь любимого сорта яблок новому компьютеру дал сотрудник Apple Джеф Раскин (Jef Raskin), красиво обыграв при этом фруктовую тему компании.

Macintosh был просто кодовым названием проекта. Говорят, что Стив Джобс в отсутствие Раскина даже пытался сменить его на «Bicycle». Но название не прижилось, и Macintosh так и остался Macintosh’ем до конца проекта.
6. Первую цветную цифровую фотокамеру сделала Apple
Первая цветная «мыльница» появилась в США в 1994 году и сделала её Apple. На Apple QuickTake 100 можно было снять 8 фотографий, а к Mac’у она подключалась через последовательный кабель.

QuickTake 100
Стоила камера по тем временам 749 долларов, то есть примерно 1000 долларов в сегодняшнем эквиваленте — огромные деньги, учитывая отсутствие дисплея и смешное разрешение в 1 мегапиксел.

QuickTake 100
Потом Apple сделала еще две модели QuickTake, а в 1997 году к власти вернулся Стив Джобс и закрыл проект.
7. Название «iPod» навеяно фильмом «2001: Космическая одиссея»
Чтобы придумать запоминающееся название новому устройству, Стив Джобс собрал целую команду копирайтеров, среди которых был и автор iPod’а Винни Чико (Vinnie Chieco).

Говорят, что у Джобса уже был слоган для MP3-плейера: «1000 песен в вашем кармане», так что фантазию копирайтеров ничто не ограничивало и не привязывало к музыкальной тематике.

First generation iPod
«Как только я увидел белый iPod, я сразу вспомнил фильм 2001», — сказал Чико в интервью Wired в 2006 году. Дело в том, что взаимодействие компьютера и музыкального плейера напомнило ему взаимодействие космического корабля и спасательной капсулы, которая в этом фильме называлась EVA pod.«Оставалось только добавить приставку ‘i’ и дело было в шляпе».
8. Пасхальное яйцо в первом iPod
В первом iPod’е был спрятан небольшой секрет — пасхальное яйцо — игра, в которую можно было попасть, набрав определённую комбинацию кнопок.
Процедуру подробно описал Ник Триано (Nick Triano) в обзоре iPod на Geek.com. «Зайдите в меню ‘About’, зажмите центральную кнопку и держите три секунды — после этого можно слушать музыку и играть в Breakout».

Кстати, эта игра оставила ещё один след в истории Apple: именно над ней Стив Джобс и Стив Возняк работали в Atari, когда Джобс обманул Возняка и скрыл от него полученную за работу тысячу долларов.
9. Кто такой John Appleseed?
Имя John, или Johnny Appleseed в истории Apple всплывает неоднократно, но официального объяснения ему пока не существует.
Вообще-то Johnny Appleseed — это живший в 18 веке американский миссионер, садовник, известный своей склонностью к выращиванию яблок — и это единственное, что связывает Джонни с корпорацией Apple.

Майк Марккула
Первое упоминание Johnny Appleseed в истории Apple ведет к инвестору и бывшему генеральному исполнительному директору Apple Майку Марккуле (Mike Markkula) — по всей видимости, он использовал этот псевдоним, когда писал программы под Apple II. Тем же именем подписано письмо на новой иконке TextEdit в Mac OS X Leopard. Да, там действительно написан осмысленный текст, это слова из рекламной кампании «Think Different» 1997 года:

Иконка TextEdit
«За безумцев. За белых ворон. Бунтарей. Возмутителей. Они как круглые затычки в квадратных дырках. Они смотрят на мир по-другому. Они не любят правила. Их не устраивает существующее положение вещей. Можно их цитировать или с ними спорить, можно их хвалить или ругать. Единственное, что невозможно — не замечать их. Потому что они меняют наш взгляд на вещи и толкают человечество вперед. И там, где кто-то видит безумие, я вижу гений. Потому что именно те, у кого хватает безумия думать, будто они могут изменить мир, и есть те, кто его изменяет. Думай по-другому».
Это письмо адресовано «Kate» и подписано «Береги себя, John Appleseed.»
Но если этих Джонов вы могли не знать, то не могли не заметить того, что он постоянно появляется в рекламе iPhone. Жаль, что номер телефона и почтовый адрес у него не настоящие, а то бы мы обязательно расспросили, какое отношение он имеет к Apple. Ну, кроме яблок, конечно.
10. Джони Айв тоже носит одну и ту же футболку
Стиль одежды Джобса давно стал притчей во языцех (черная водолазка, джинсы Levis и кроссовки NB). Но это не единственный руководитель Apple, который остается верен своему стилю из года в год.

Джонни Айв
В каждом рекламном ролике нового продукта Apple первый вице-президент компании по производственному дизайну, Джонни Айв, уже 10 лет снимается в футболке одного и того же фасона. Что ж — у гениев свои причуды.
1. In the first Apple logo was depicted Sir Isaac Newton
Probably the most famous logo of Apple - this is a multi-colored apple. Now it is considered vintage retro-sign Apple, although officially the first was not an apple. On the very first Apple logo was depicted Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree - simple plot legends about the discovery by Sir Isaac force of gravity.10 amazing facts about the Apple
1st Apple logo
Logo of Newton drew the least known of the three co-founders of Apple - Ronald Wayne (Ronald Wayne). Incidentally, another intriguing fact: Wayne sold his shares to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak for $ 800, but today they could bring him 22 billion. But back to the logo. The company long used the services of Sir Newton - due to a strong detail in compressed form logo looked bad for the company products, and in 1976 it was replaced.
10 amazing facts about the Apple
Replaced by the most famous rainbow apple, which drew Yanof Rob (Rob Janoff). It remained a symbol of the company for many years, until in 1998 did not replaced one-color option.2. To raise money for the production of Apple I, Wozniak sold his scientific calculator10 amazing facts about the Apple
Steve Wozniak
To raise money to buy parts for the first orders for the Apple I, Steve Jobs sold his van Volkswagen, and Wozniak, while working at HP, a $ 500 part with a scientific calculator Hewlett-Packard 65.
If you were born in the 90s, you may rightly wonder what could be a simple calculator that kind of money, but in 1976 a scientific calculator cost no less than it is today is a laptop, and HP-65 and did was "the most compact programmable computer."
Hewlett-Packard 65
Woz then good for him to work, given that the new calculator cost $ 795, and a copy of it was pretty worn, as was used in the tail and mane. I wonder if the buyer thought that holds historic object? Just imagine how much would it cost now on Ebay.3. Apple I sold for 666 dollars and 66 cents
Most criticism are always subject to the price of today's computers Apple. But historically, that Apple products are always pricey. Taking into account inflation and the prices, it appears that the very first Apple computer was worth more modern MacBook Air and even 17-inch MacBook Pro.
Apple I
The fact that the price tag on the Apple I was listed 666 dollars and 66 cents, in no way related to the number of the beast - there is quite a practical explanation. In an interview with Steve Wozniak explained as formed a special price:
"I was fond of repetitive figures" - he said and explained that the wholesale price Apple I for $ 500 stores, taking into account the retail price mark-ups to receive about 667 dollars, which the WHO "rounded" up to 666.66 - "just to make it easier to recruit."4. Apple invented the "sobakorovu"
Ever heard of "sobakorove"? But the old Apple users have probably heard - it was part of an Egyptian font on the first Macintosh. When the font is abolished, sobakorova moved to the LaserWriter Driver 4.0 and became a kind of talisman techies Apple.
Sobakorovu named Klerus (Clarus) created Susan Carey (Susan Kare). This animal can be found in all versions of operating systems for Mac OS X. until In the late '80s sobakorova became popular in various circles of development - even Microsoft once used sobakorovu in its advertising.
Not surprisingly, Apple did not like it. Support development of the company amounted to a technical note, which explained all the features of the animal. Then, the note number 31 as an Easter egg was recorded for the first CD-ROM Apple Developer, and Clarus and Dogcow become trademarks of Apple.5. Name «Macintosh» comes from the apple
The fact that the Apple Lisa computer, Steve Jobs named in honor of his daughter - known fact, but few know where the name «Macintosh». This name is in honor of a loved varieties of apples gave the new computer Apple employee Jeff Raskin (Jef Raskin), nicely beating with a fruit theme of the company.
Macintosh was simply the code name of the project. They say that Steve Jobs in the absence of Ruskin even tried to replace it with «Bicycle». But the name caught on, and Macintosh and stayed until the end of Macintosh'em project.6. The first color digital camera made by Apple
The first color "soap box" appeared in the United States in 1994 and made her Apple. On the Apple QuickTake 100 can be removed by 8 pictures, and it connects to Mac'u via serial cable.
QuickTake 100
Camera was worth at that time 749 dollars, about $ 1,000 in today's equivalent - a lot of money, given the lack of display and ridiculous resolution of 1 megapixel.
QuickTake 100
Then, Apple made two models QuickTake, and in 1997 returned to power, Steve Jobs, and closed the project.7. Name «iPod» inspired by the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey"
In order to create a memorable name for the new device, Steve Jobs assembled a team of copywriters, among whom was the author of Winnie iPod'a Chico (Vinnie Chieco).
They say that Steve Jobs has been a slogan for MP3-player: "1,000 songs in your pocket," so that there is nothing fancy copywriters limited and not tied to a musical theme.
First generation iPod
"As soon as I saw the white iPod, I immediately remembered the movie 2001" - said in an interview with Wired Chico in 2006. The fact that the interaction between the computer and music player reminded him of the interaction between the spacecraft and the escape pod, which in this movie called EVA pod. «It only remained to add the prefix 'i' and it was in the bag."8. Easter egg in the first iPod
In the first iPod'e was hidden on a little secret - Easter egg - a game that could be reached by dialing a specific key combination.
The procedure is described in detail Triana Nick (Nick Triano) in the review of an iPod to Geek.com. "Go to the menu 'About', then hold the center button and hold for three seconds - after that you can listen to music and playing Breakout».
By the way, this game has left another mark on the history of Apple: it is above it, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked at Atari, where Jobs has tricked Wozniak and hid from him received for the work of a thousand dollars.9. Who is John Appleseed?
The name John, or Johnny Appleseed in the history of Apple comes up repeatedly, but the official explanation for it does not exist yet.
In fact, Johnny Appleseed - it lived in the 18th century, an American missionary, the gardener, known for his penchant for growing apples - and the only thing that connects with the corporation Johnny Apple.Mike Markkula
Mike Markkula
The first mention of Johnny Appleseed in the history of Apple is an investor and former CEO of Apple Mike Markkula (Mike Markkula) - apparently, he used this pseudonym when he wrote the program for Apple II. The same name signed the letter on the new icon of TextEdit in Mac OS X Leopard. Yes, there really is written in meaningful text, the words of the ad campaign «Think Different» 1997:TextEdit Icon
TextEdit Icon
"For the lunatics. For the black sheep. Rebels. Troublemakers. They are round peg into a square holes. They look at the world differently. They do not like rules. They are not satisfied with the status quo. You can quote them or argue with them, you can praise or scold them. The only thing that is impossible - to ignore them. Because they change our view of things and push humanity forward. And where someone sees the madness, I see genius. Because it is those who have enough madness to think that they can change the world, and there are those who change it. Think Different. "
This letter is addressed to «Kate» and signed the "Take care, John Appleseed.»
But if these Johns you might not know it could not help noticing that he always appears in the ad iPhone. It is a pity that the phone number and mailing address had not real, but then we would necessarily questioned, how does it relate to Apple. Well, except for apples, of course.10. Johnny Ive also wears the same shirt
Dress Code Jobs has become a byword (the black turtleneck, jeans, Levis and sneakers NB). But this is not the only leader Apple, which remains true to his style from year to year.
Every commercial for a new product Apple senior vice president of production design, Johnny Ive, 10 years removed a T-shirt of the same style. Well - have their quirks of genius.
Apple History
Apple - this is a large multinational company to manufacture it spetsializuetesya software, consumer electronics and mobile phones. The founders of the giant were Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, it happened April 1, 1976.
To some this may seem ridiculous, but the first principal office is located in a small garage, and who would have thought that such an unpromising at first glance, the company can become a world leader in high technology. Apple came up with the name of Steve Jobs, as he says, the name occurred to him alone as the apple of his lyubimimy fruit.
Apple History
Over the years of its existence Perjei a lot of ups and downs. The company's first success came during the release of the first computer Apple I. After a pretty big price Apple I is not widely spread, has sold about 200 of these machines. Many refer to the emergence of Apple II in 1977, the beginning of the computer revolution. Some argue with the tenacity that it was the first prototype computer, which each of us is now at home.
In the early 1980s the company fell on hard times and it is connected first of all was the fact that the co-founder Steve Wozniak left the company. There was a new model computers failed Apple III, resulting in a while IBM released its first personal computer and perhvatila Teresa leadership.
Apple History
But the company is not going to fold his hands and released a new graphical user interface, was the first time the possibility of a user to use the mouse to work with computers from Apple's Lisa. But the project has not achieved great results for the space of the computer's price $ 10,000. Then the company goes out and Steve Jobs himself after waiting for one of defeat and failure. But in 1996, the corporation buys the company NeXT and Steve Jobs, he is taken seriously to lift the company to the top of most of the market. The first truly successful project of Apple for the past few years has become a new computer iMac. A year later, after Jobs was again head of Apple in 2001 following a breakthrough for Apple was to create an operating system, Mac OS X-based NEXTSTEP and Unix. In 2001 they created the first digital music player iPod.
Apple History
Today, many years after the first iPod, presented for 5 generation of these players. iPod occupy a lot of little more than 70 percent of the market digital music players, and for the foreseeable future, Apple has no competition. Today, the company Apple is respected among consumers worldwide for their reliability and creative ideas for the corporation. I think it would be interesting to look at the new office of apple, for their work, is not it? You will have the opportunity in the following positions. We hope you like this information was helpful and informative. Good luck!
Probably the most famous logo of Apple - this is a multi-colored apple. Now it is considered vintage retro-sign Apple, although officially the first was not an apple. On the very first Apple logo was depicted Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree - simple plot legends about the discovery by Sir Isaac force of gravity.10 amazing facts about the Apple
1st Apple logo
Logo of Newton drew the least known of the three co-founders of Apple - Ronald Wayne (Ronald Wayne). Incidentally, another intriguing fact: Wayne sold his shares to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak for $ 800, but today they could bring him 22 billion. But back to the logo. The company long used the services of Sir Newton - due to a strong detail in compressed form logo looked bad for the company products, and in 1976 it was replaced.
10 amazing facts about the Apple
Replaced by the most famous rainbow apple, which drew Yanof Rob (Rob Janoff). It remained a symbol of the company for many years, until in 1998 did not replaced one-color option.2. To raise money for the production of Apple I, Wozniak sold his scientific calculator10 amazing facts about the Apple
Steve Wozniak
To raise money to buy parts for the first orders for the Apple I, Steve Jobs sold his van Volkswagen, and Wozniak, while working at HP, a $ 500 part with a scientific calculator Hewlett-Packard 65.
If you were born in the 90s, you may rightly wonder what could be a simple calculator that kind of money, but in 1976 a scientific calculator cost no less than it is today is a laptop, and HP-65 and did was "the most compact programmable computer."
Hewlett-Packard 65
Woz then good for him to work, given that the new calculator cost $ 795, and a copy of it was pretty worn, as was used in the tail and mane. I wonder if the buyer thought that holds historic object? Just imagine how much would it cost now on Ebay.3. Apple I sold for 666 dollars and 66 cents
Most criticism are always subject to the price of today's computers Apple. But historically, that Apple products are always pricey. Taking into account inflation and the prices, it appears that the very first Apple computer was worth more modern MacBook Air and even 17-inch MacBook Pro.
Apple I
The fact that the price tag on the Apple I was listed 666 dollars and 66 cents, in no way related to the number of the beast - there is quite a practical explanation. In an interview with Steve Wozniak explained as formed a special price:
"I was fond of repetitive figures" - he said and explained that the wholesale price Apple I for $ 500 stores, taking into account the retail price mark-ups to receive about 667 dollars, which the WHO "rounded" up to 666.66 - "just to make it easier to recruit."4. Apple invented the "sobakorovu"
Ever heard of "sobakorove"? But the old Apple users have probably heard - it was part of an Egyptian font on the first Macintosh. When the font is abolished, sobakorova moved to the LaserWriter Driver 4.0 and became a kind of talisman techies Apple.
Sobakorovu named Klerus (Clarus) created Susan Carey (Susan Kare). This animal can be found in all versions of operating systems for Mac OS X. until In the late '80s sobakorova became popular in various circles of development - even Microsoft once used sobakorovu in its advertising.
Not surprisingly, Apple did not like it. Support development of the company amounted to a technical note, which explained all the features of the animal. Then, the note number 31 as an Easter egg was recorded for the first CD-ROM Apple Developer, and Clarus and Dogcow become trademarks of Apple.5. Name «Macintosh» comes from the apple
The fact that the Apple Lisa computer, Steve Jobs named in honor of his daughter - known fact, but few know where the name «Macintosh». This name is in honor of a loved varieties of apples gave the new computer Apple employee Jeff Raskin (Jef Raskin), nicely beating with a fruit theme of the company.
Macintosh was simply the code name of the project. They say that Steve Jobs in the absence of Ruskin even tried to replace it with «Bicycle». But the name caught on, and Macintosh and stayed until the end of Macintosh'em project.6. The first color digital camera made by Apple
The first color "soap box" appeared in the United States in 1994 and made her Apple. On the Apple QuickTake 100 can be removed by 8 pictures, and it connects to Mac'u via serial cable.
QuickTake 100
Camera was worth at that time 749 dollars, about $ 1,000 in today's equivalent - a lot of money, given the lack of display and ridiculous resolution of 1 megapixel.
QuickTake 100
Then, Apple made two models QuickTake, and in 1997 returned to power, Steve Jobs, and closed the project.7. Name «iPod» inspired by the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey"
In order to create a memorable name for the new device, Steve Jobs assembled a team of copywriters, among whom was the author of Winnie iPod'a Chico (Vinnie Chieco).
They say that Steve Jobs has been a slogan for MP3-player: "1,000 songs in your pocket," so that there is nothing fancy copywriters limited and not tied to a musical theme.
First generation iPod
"As soon as I saw the white iPod, I immediately remembered the movie 2001" - said in an interview with Wired Chico in 2006. The fact that the interaction between the computer and music player reminded him of the interaction between the spacecraft and the escape pod, which in this movie called EVA pod. «It only remained to add the prefix 'i' and it was in the bag."8. Easter egg in the first iPod
In the first iPod'e was hidden on a little secret - Easter egg - a game that could be reached by dialing a specific key combination.
The procedure is described in detail Triana Nick (Nick Triano) in the review of an iPod to Geek.com. "Go to the menu 'About', then hold the center button and hold for three seconds - after that you can listen to music and playing Breakout».
By the way, this game has left another mark on the history of Apple: it is above it, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked at Atari, where Jobs has tricked Wozniak and hid from him received for the work of a thousand dollars.9. Who is John Appleseed?
The name John, or Johnny Appleseed in the history of Apple comes up repeatedly, but the official explanation for it does not exist yet.
In fact, Johnny Appleseed - it lived in the 18th century, an American missionary, the gardener, known for his penchant for growing apples - and the only thing that connects with the corporation Johnny Apple.Mike Markkula
Mike Markkula
The first mention of Johnny Appleseed in the history of Apple is an investor and former CEO of Apple Mike Markkula (Mike Markkula) - apparently, he used this pseudonym when he wrote the program for Apple II. The same name signed the letter on the new icon of TextEdit in Mac OS X Leopard. Yes, there really is written in meaningful text, the words of the ad campaign «Think Different» 1997:TextEdit Icon
TextEdit Icon
"For the lunatics. For the black sheep. Rebels. Troublemakers. They are round peg into a square holes. They look at the world differently. They do not like rules. They are not satisfied with the status quo. You can quote them or argue with them, you can praise or scold them. The only thing that is impossible - to ignore them. Because they change our view of things and push humanity forward. And where someone sees the madness, I see genius. Because it is those who have enough madness to think that they can change the world, and there are those who change it. Think Different. "
This letter is addressed to «Kate» and signed the "Take care, John Appleseed.»
But if these Johns you might not know it could not help noticing that he always appears in the ad iPhone. It is a pity that the phone number and mailing address had not real, but then we would necessarily questioned, how does it relate to Apple. Well, except for apples, of course.10. Johnny Ive also wears the same shirt
Dress Code Jobs has become a byword (the black turtleneck, jeans, Levis and sneakers NB). But this is not the only leader Apple, which remains true to his style from year to year.
Every commercial for a new product Apple senior vice president of production design, Johnny Ive, 10 years removed a T-shirt of the same style. Well - have their quirks of genius.
Apple History
Apple - this is a large multinational company to manufacture it spetsializuetesya software, consumer electronics and mobile phones. The founders of the giant were Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, it happened April 1, 1976.
To some this may seem ridiculous, but the first principal office is located in a small garage, and who would have thought that such an unpromising at first glance, the company can become a world leader in high technology. Apple came up with the name of Steve Jobs, as he says, the name occurred to him alone as the apple of his lyubimimy fruit.
Apple History
Over the years of its existence Perjei a lot of ups and downs. The company's first success came during the release of the first computer Apple I. After a pretty big price Apple I is not widely spread, has sold about 200 of these machines. Many refer to the emergence of Apple II in 1977, the beginning of the computer revolution. Some argue with the tenacity that it was the first prototype computer, which each of us is now at home.
In the early 1980s the company fell on hard times and it is connected first of all was the fact that the co-founder Steve Wozniak left the company. There was a new model computers failed Apple III, resulting in a while IBM released its first personal computer and perhvatila Teresa leadership.
Apple History
But the company is not going to fold his hands and released a new graphical user interface, was the first time the possibility of a user to use the mouse to work with computers from Apple's Lisa. But the project has not achieved great results for the space of the computer's price $ 10,000. Then the company goes out and Steve Jobs himself after waiting for one of defeat and failure. But in 1996, the corporation buys the company NeXT and Steve Jobs, he is taken seriously to lift the company to the top of most of the market. The first truly successful project of Apple for the past few years has become a new computer iMac. A year later, after Jobs was again head of Apple in 2001 following a breakthrough for Apple was to create an operating system, Mac OS X-based NEXTSTEP and Unix. In 2001 they created the first digital music player iPod.
Apple History
Today, many years after the first iPod, presented for 5 generation of these players. iPod occupy a lot of little more than 70 percent of the market digital music players, and for the foreseeable future, Apple has no competition. Today, the company Apple is respected among consumers worldwide for their reliability and creative ideas for the corporation. I think it would be interesting to look at the new office of apple, for their work, is not it? You will have the opportunity in the following positions. We hope you like this information was helpful and informative. Good luck!
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