Число Данбара — ограничение на количество постоянных социальных связей, которые человек может поддерживать. Величина названа в честь английского антрополога Робина Данбара, который и предложил это число...
Поддержание таких связей предполагает знание отличительных черт индивида, его характера, а также социального положения, что требует значительных интеллектуальных способностей. Лежит в диапазоне от 100 до 230, чаще всего считается равным 150.
Данбар заметил зависимость между уровнем развития новой коры больших полушарий головного мозга и размером стаи у приматов. На основании данных по 38 родам приматов он вывел математическую зависимость между развитием новой коры мозга и размером стаи, и, основываясь на оценке развития человеческого мозга, предложил оценку оптимального размера человеческого стада.
Для проверки своей теории Данбар обратился к данным антропологии. Средние размеры деревень, традиционных поселений колеблются в предположенных им пределах. Кроме того, размеры неолитических поселений составляют до 200 человек.
Dunbar number - limit the number of permanent social relationships that people can support. The value is named after British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, who suggested this number.
Maintaining such links assumes knowledge of the distinctive features of the individual, his character, as well as social status, which requires considerable intellectual ability. Ranges from 100 to 230, often considered to be equal to 150.
Dunbar said the relationship between the level of development of the neocortex of the cerebral hemispheres and the size of the pack in primates. Based on data for 38 genera of primates, he deduced the mathematical relationship between the development of the neocortex of the brain and the size of the pack, and, based on an assessment of the human brain, has offered an assessment of optimum size of the human herd.
To test his theory, according to Dunbar turned to anthropology. The average size of villages, traditional villages vary in the assumptions they range. In addition, the size of Neolithic settlements are up to 200 people.
Maintaining such links assumes knowledge of the distinctive features of the individual, his character, as well as social status, which requires considerable intellectual ability. Ranges from 100 to 230, often considered to be equal to 150.
Dunbar said the relationship between the level of development of the neocortex of the cerebral hemispheres and the size of the pack in primates. Based on data for 38 genera of primates, he deduced the mathematical relationship between the development of the neocortex of the brain and the size of the pack, and, based on an assessment of the human brain, has offered an assessment of optimum size of the human herd.
To test his theory, according to Dunbar turned to anthropology. The average size of villages, traditional villages vary in the assumptions they range. In addition, the size of Neolithic settlements are up to 200 people.
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