1. Ткань, из которой традиционно делают джинсы, называется «деним», что в буквальном переводе с французского означает «из Нима». Секрет этого материала заключается в особом переплетении нитей: внешние нити прокрашены, а внутренние — нет. Эта особенность дает нам возможность успешно манипулировать с цветом и достигать «элегантной потертости», которая так привлекает поклонников стиля. Не зря лозунг джинсовых брюк многих марок звучит примерно так: «Чем дольше их носишь, тем лучше они выглядят».
2. Классический краситель джинсовой ткани — индиго. Изначально краску индиго замешивали на пепле. Разумеется, ткань, окрашенная таким образом, всегда стоила недорого, а значит, годилась только для простонародья.
3. Одна из версий появления словечка «джинсы» такова. Ткань для изготовления рабочей одежды (в том числе и деним) вывозилась морем из итальянского порта Генуя, в итальянском произношении «Дженова», что вполне созвучно слову «джинсы».
4. Самая ранняя версия появления джинсов засвидетельствована в английских портовых книгах XVI века: в Великобританию из Генуи ввозили ткань, позже получившую название «деним», шили штаны и продавали их по всей Европе под названием «джейн» или «джин».
5. Другая версия — французская. В 1750 году некто Джон Холкер создал «Книгу образцов текстильной промышленности Франции», где были описаны и изображены восемь моделей брюк, сильно напоминающих современные джинсы.
6. Сегодня считается, что первым гением, которому пришло в голову соединить воедино дешевую прочную ткань, удобный демократичный фасон и приятный универсальный цвет, был Леви Страусс, рожденный в Баварии в большой еврейской семье, а с 1829 года гражданин США. В марте 1853 года молодой Леви по приглашению сестры Фэнни и ее мужа — торговца мануфактурой Дэвида Штерна — приехал в охваченный золотой лихорадкой Сан-Франциско. По просьбе шурина Леви захватил с собой груз ткани для палаток. Добравшись до места, предприимчивый Страусс тут же понял, что самой большой проблемой золотоискателей были… штаны. Леви догадался пустить в дело привезенный брезент и заказал местному портному первую партию «комбинезонов без верха» (так называл свое изделие сам Леви Страусс).
7. В 1872 году портной из Невады Джакоб Дэвис, который закупал на фирме Страуссов ткань, прислал Леви письмо, где написал об изобретенном им оригинальном способе пошива брюк: Дэвис ставил медные заклепки на места наибольшей нагрузки — углы карманов и гульфик. А поскольку у него не было денег, чтобы запатентовать свое изобретение, он предложил сделать это Леви. 20 мая 1873 года Страусс и Дэвис стали обладателями патента, а их детище обрело медные заклепки и знакомый нам пятикарманный облик.
8. В 1941 году во внешний вид джинсов было внесено существенное изменение. Было решено убрать медную заклепку из области паха — злополучная деталь, неизбежно раскаляясь у костра, изрядно портила жизнь поклонникам джинсовой моды.
9. Во время Второй мировой войны джинсы в США приобрели особую популярность. Говорят даже, что их продавали только тем, кто принимал участие в военных действиях.
10. В конце 50-х годов на практичность и демократичность рабочих штанов обратил внимание гуру «битников» Джон Озборн. Дополнив образ «битников», джинсы вошли в молодежную культуру и стали быстро набирать обороты популярности, несмотря на то, что в них было запрещено появляться в школах и офисах.
11. В СССР впервые увидели джинсы благодаря Международному фестивалю молодежи и студентов в 1958 году. Заморская новинка полюбилась советской молодежи. Через некоторое время в СССР появилось новое понятие «фарцовщик». В 1960 году спекулянты Рокотов и Файнберг получили высшую меру наказания за валютные операции. Торговля джинсами фигурировала как один из пунктов обвинения.
12. В настоящий идеологический флаг джинсы превратились благодаря движению хиппи, которые обогатили джинсовую моду. В 70-е годы штаны стали украшать бисером, стразами, нашивками и вышивкой. Эти идеи и по сей день остаются необычайно популярными.
13. У американцев уже давно нет проблем с тем, чтобы подобрать джинсы по фигуре. Там теперь можно прямо в магазине внести свои параметры в компьютер, который «вычислит», что именно подойдет тебе больше всего, и отправит заказ на фабрику. Через три недели твои личные джинсы будут готовы и обойдутся лишь на десять долларов дороже магазинной цены.
14. На подиум джинсы попали не сразу. В конце 60-х Луи Ферро с успехом продемонстрировал «штаны из денима», полностью расшитые стразами. Впоследствии джинсовый стиль стал источником вдохновения для многих модельеров. Творчество Александра Маккуина, Карла Лагерфельда или Жан-Поля Готье яркое тому подтверждение. Кстати, практически каждый западный дизайнер в настоящее время имеет линию «именных» изделий из денима.
15. Совсем недавно в мировой моде появилась новинка — джинсы под русским именем. Пионерами этого дела у нас стали Валентин Юдашкин и Алексей Греков.
The facts of the history of jeans
A. The fabric from which traditionally make jeans, called "denim", which literally translated from French means "from Nîmes." The secret of this material is a special weave: yarn dyed external and internal - no. This feature allows us to successfully manipulate the color and achieve "elegant wear," which is so attractive to fans of the style. No wonder the slogan of many brands of denim pants goes something like this: "The longer you wear them the better they look."
Two. Classic denim dye - indigo. Initially, the indigo dye was mixed in ashes. Of course, the fabric, dyed in this way, cost is always expensive, and therefore was suitable only for common people.
Three. One version of the appearance of a word "jeans" is as follows. The fabric for the manufacture of work clothing (including denim) was exported by sea from the Italian port of Genoa in the Italian pronunciation of "Genova", which is consonant with the word "jeans".
4. The earliest version of the appearance of jeans attested to the English port books of the XVI century: the United Kingdom imported fabrics from Genoa, later dubbed "denim" pants sewed and sold throughout Europe under the name "Jane" or "gin".
Five. Another version - French. In 1750 one John Holkeri, has created a "Book of the samples of textile industry in France," which have been described and illustrated eight models of trousers, strongly resembling the modern jeans.
6. Today it is considered that the first genius who had the idea to combine a solid fabric cheap, convenient and pleasant style of democratic universal color, Levi Strauss was born in Bavaria in a large Jewish family, and since 1829 a U.S. citizen. In March 1853 at the invitation of the young Levi's sister Fanny and her husband - textiles trader David Stern - came to the seized gold rush San Francisco. At the request of brother-Levy took with him a cargo fabrics for tents. When they reached the place, an enterprising Strauss immediately realized that the biggest problem was ... gold pants. Levy thought of to put it in the tarp was brought to the local tailor and ordered the first batch of "suits topless" (as he called his product, Levi Strauss).
7. In 1872 a tailor from Nevada, Jacob Davis, who bought the firm Straussov tissue, Levy sent a letter where he wrote about them invented an original method of sewing pants: Davis put copper rivets at the highest load space - the corners of pockets and codpiece. And because he did not have the money to patent his invention, he proposed to do this Levy. May 20, 1873 Strauss and Davis became the owners of the patent, and their offspring has found copper rivets and pyatikarmanny familiar face.
Eight. In 1941, the look of jeans were made a significant change. It was decided to remove the copper rivet from the groin area - the unfortunate part, inevitably became red with fire, life is pretty spoiled fans of denim fashion.
9. During the Second World War, jeans in the U.S. were particularly popular. It is even said that they were sold only to those who took part in the hostilities.
10. In the late 50s on the practical and democratic workers' pants drew the attention of the guru "beatniks" by John Osborne. By adding an image of "beatniks", jeans entered the youth culture, and quickly gained popularity momentum, despite the fact that they were forbidden to appear in schools and offices.
11. In the USSR, first saw the jeans, thanks to the International Festival of Youth and Students in 1958. Overseas liking the new Soviet youth. After some time in the USSR, a new concept of "spiv". In 1960, speculators, and Roars Feinberg received the death penalty for foreign exchange transactions. Trade jeans featured as one of the charges.
12. At the ideological flag Jeans have become thanks to the hippie movement, which enriched the denim fashion. In the 70 years of his trousers were decorated with beads, sequins, stripes and embroidery. These ideas and to this day remains incredibly popular.
13. The Americans have long been no problems in order to find jeans to fit. There can now be right in the store to make your settings in the computer, which "calculates" what fits you most, and send the order to the factory. After three weeks of your personal jeans will be available and would cost only ten dollars more expensive than shop prices.
14. Jeans on the catwalk were not at once. In the late 60's, Louis Ferro has successfully demonstrated the "trousers made of denim," is completely embroidered with sequins. Subsequently, jeans style is an inspiration to many designers. Works of Alexander McQueen, Karl Lagerfeld and Jean-Paul Gaultier proof of this. By the way, almost every designer in the West currently has a line of "registered" products from denim.
15. Most recently appeared in the fashion world novelty - jeans under a Russian name. The pioneers of this business, we have Alex Valentin Yudashkin and Greeks.
A. The fabric from which traditionally make jeans, called "denim", which literally translated from French means "from Nîmes." The secret of this material is a special weave: yarn dyed external and internal - no. This feature allows us to successfully manipulate the color and achieve "elegant wear," which is so attractive to fans of the style. No wonder the slogan of many brands of denim pants goes something like this: "The longer you wear them the better they look."
Two. Classic denim dye - indigo. Initially, the indigo dye was mixed in ashes. Of course, the fabric, dyed in this way, cost is always expensive, and therefore was suitable only for common people.
Three. One version of the appearance of a word "jeans" is as follows. The fabric for the manufacture of work clothing (including denim) was exported by sea from the Italian port of Genoa in the Italian pronunciation of "Genova", which is consonant with the word "jeans".
4. The earliest version of the appearance of jeans attested to the English port books of the XVI century: the United Kingdom imported fabrics from Genoa, later dubbed "denim" pants sewed and sold throughout Europe under the name "Jane" or "gin".
Five. Another version - French. In 1750 one John Holkeri, has created a "Book of the samples of textile industry in France," which have been described and illustrated eight models of trousers, strongly resembling the modern jeans.
6. Today it is considered that the first genius who had the idea to combine a solid fabric cheap, convenient and pleasant style of democratic universal color, Levi Strauss was born in Bavaria in a large Jewish family, and since 1829 a U.S. citizen. In March 1853 at the invitation of the young Levi's sister Fanny and her husband - textiles trader David Stern - came to the seized gold rush San Francisco. At the request of brother-Levy took with him a cargo fabrics for tents. When they reached the place, an enterprising Strauss immediately realized that the biggest problem was ... gold pants. Levy thought of to put it in the tarp was brought to the local tailor and ordered the first batch of "suits topless" (as he called his product, Levi Strauss).
7. In 1872 a tailor from Nevada, Jacob Davis, who bought the firm Straussov tissue, Levy sent a letter where he wrote about them invented an original method of sewing pants: Davis put copper rivets at the highest load space - the corners of pockets and codpiece. And because he did not have the money to patent his invention, he proposed to do this Levy. May 20, 1873 Strauss and Davis became the owners of the patent, and their offspring has found copper rivets and pyatikarmanny familiar face.
Eight. In 1941, the look of jeans were made a significant change. It was decided to remove the copper rivet from the groin area - the unfortunate part, inevitably became red with fire, life is pretty spoiled fans of denim fashion.
9. During the Second World War, jeans in the U.S. were particularly popular. It is even said that they were sold only to those who took part in the hostilities.
10. In the late 50s on the practical and democratic workers' pants drew the attention of the guru "beatniks" by John Osborne. By adding an image of "beatniks", jeans entered the youth culture, and quickly gained popularity momentum, despite the fact that they were forbidden to appear in schools and offices.
11. In the USSR, first saw the jeans, thanks to the International Festival of Youth and Students in 1958. Overseas liking the new Soviet youth. After some time in the USSR, a new concept of "spiv". In 1960, speculators, and Roars Feinberg received the death penalty for foreign exchange transactions. Trade jeans featured as one of the charges.
12. At the ideological flag Jeans have become thanks to the hippie movement, which enriched the denim fashion. In the 70 years of his trousers were decorated with beads, sequins, stripes and embroidery. These ideas and to this day remains incredibly popular.
13. The Americans have long been no problems in order to find jeans to fit. There can now be right in the store to make your settings in the computer, which "calculates" what fits you most, and send the order to the factory. After three weeks of your personal jeans will be available and would cost only ten dollars more expensive than shop prices.
14. Jeans on the catwalk were not at once. In the late 60's, Louis Ferro has successfully demonstrated the "trousers made of denim," is completely embroidered with sequins. Subsequently, jeans style is an inspiration to many designers. Works of Alexander McQueen, Karl Lagerfeld and Jean-Paul Gaultier proof of this. By the way, almost every designer in the West currently has a line of "registered" products from denim.
15. Most recently appeared in the fashion world novelty - jeans under a Russian name. The pioneers of this business, we have Alex Valentin Yudashkin and Greeks.
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