Одно присутствие хищной рыбы в поле досягаемости повергает личинку стрекозы в такой стресс, что она может погибнуть...
Учёные из университета Торонто провели такой эксперимент: они поместили в прозрачный аквариум личинки стрекоз и хищную рыбу, причём они были отделены друг от друга таким образом, что стрекозы могли видеть рыбу и чувствовать её запах, но добраться до них она не могла. К их удивлению, стрекозы начали умирать безо всяких видимых причин. 11% личинок погибло, не достигнув взрослого возраста, в то время, как личинки, развивавшиеся без подобных стрессов, гибли во младенчестве только в 2% случаев. Эксперимент был поставлен в рамках изучения влияния стресса и неблагоприятных психологических условий на развитие живых существ.
Dragonflies are literally scared to death of fish
The mere presence of predatory fish in the reach of dragonfly larvae in the throws of such stress that she may die.
Scientists from the University of Toronto conducted an experiment: they put into a transparent aquarium dragonfly larvae and predatory fish, and they were separated from each other so that dragonflies could see the fish and feel the smell, but to get to them she could not. To their surprise, dragonflies began to die without any apparent reason. 11% of the larvae died before reaching adulthood, while the larvae of which were developed without such stress, died in infancy, only 2% of cases. Experiment was carried out in the study of the effects of stress and adverse psychological conditions for the development of living beings.
The mere presence of predatory fish in the reach of dragonfly larvae in the throws of such stress that she may die.
Scientists from the University of Toronto conducted an experiment: they put into a transparent aquarium dragonfly larvae and predatory fish, and they were separated from each other so that dragonflies could see the fish and feel the smell, but to get to them she could not. To their surprise, dragonflies began to die without any apparent reason. 11% of the larvae died before reaching adulthood, while the larvae of which were developed without such stress, died in infancy, only 2% of cases. Experiment was carried out in the study of the effects of stress and adverse psychological conditions for the development of living beings.
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