Американцы любят статистику, любят считать деньги и вот они решили подсчитать, сколько денег теряют работодатели в США из-за соцсети Facebook...
Было подсчитано, что среднестатистический работник проводит в Facebook не менее 7 минут рабочего времени.
48 млн. сотрудников имеют постоянный доступ в интернет с рабочего места. Это примерно 30% всех трудящихся США, которых около 160 млн. Если умножить это число на ежедневные 7 минут, получится 336 млн минут потерянного времени за 1 день.
Среднестатистическая зарплата в США составляет $50000 за 2000 рабочих часов в год, то есть минута работа сотрудника стоит его работодателю $0.4.
Значит, работодатели США тратят $140 млн в день на то, чтобы их сотрудники сидели в Facebook. А за год эта сумма составит $280 млрд.
Americans love statistics like count money and now they have decided to calculate how much money lost to employers in the U.S. due to social network Facebook.
It has been estimated that the average worker spends at Facebook for at least 7 minutes of working time.
48 million workers have permanent access to the Internet from the workplace. This is approximately 30% of all workers the United States, with about 160 million If you multiply this number by the daily 7 minutes, you get 336 million minutes of lost time for 1 day.
The average salary in the U.S. is $ 50,000 for 2000 hours per year, a minute of the employee costs his employer $ 0.4.
This means that employers are spending U.S. $ 140 million a day to ensure that their employees are sitting on Facebook. A year this amount will be $ 280 billion.
It has been estimated that the average worker spends at Facebook for at least 7 minutes of working time.
48 million workers have permanent access to the Internet from the workplace. This is approximately 30% of all workers the United States, with about 160 million If you multiply this number by the daily 7 minutes, you get 336 million minutes of lost time for 1 day.
The average salary in the U.S. is $ 50,000 for 2000 hours per year, a minute of the employee costs his employer $ 0.4.
This means that employers are spending U.S. $ 140 million a day to ensure that their employees are sitting on Facebook. A year this amount will be $ 280 billion.
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