Конец света — популярное в нашем мире понятие, причём предсказания
об исчезновении человеческой цивилизации стали появляться ещё
в незапамятные времена...
То ли людям нравилось думать о будущих
катастрофах и верить в них, то ли панику сеяли в народе сильные мира
сего с какой-то определенной целью, но факт остается фактом: концы света
все, начиная от древних римлян, средневековых пап, представителей
религиозных течений 18-19-х веков и заканчивая всеми, кому не лень,
в наше время.
1. Первые упоминания о конце света: 7-й век до нашей эры

По некоторым данным, первое предсказание о конце света, которое
сохранилось в истории, было сделано римлянами еще в 7-м веке до нашей
эры. Многие жители древнего Рима опасались, что город будет разрушен
на 120-ю годовщину его основания, в 634-м году.
Согласно мифу, 12 орлов явились одному из основателей Рима Ромулу.
12 — мистическое число, которое указывало на продолжительность
существования Рима. По какой-то причине первые римляне полагали, что
каждый орел символизировал 10 лет, отсюда был сделан вывод, что Рим
падет через 120 лет после основания. Впрочем, у некоторых римлян
были другие предположения на этот счёт. Они верили, что загадочное
число, открытое Ромулу — это число дней в году, поэтому конец света
должен был наступить в 389-м году до нашей эры.
Как нам известно, город стоит и поныне и продолжает развиваться,
несмотря на великое множество правителей, политических течений,
катаклизмов и войн, которые ему пришлось пережить.
2. Второе пришествие Иисуса Христа знаменует конец света?

В истории сохранились сотни примеров предсказаний того, что Иисус
Христос обязательно должен вернуться на Землю. Практически все
христианские церкви ожидали и до сих пор ожидают это событие. Но все
предсказания оказывались неудачными, по крайней мере, в прошлом.
Некоторые полагали, что Христос должен непременно придти через 1000
лет после своей смерти в 1033-м году. В 19-м веке секта «Общество
исследователей Библии» растолковали пророчества Библии таким образом,
что конец света должен был наступить в 1874-м году, тогда же ожидалось
и возвращение Христа.
3. Предсказания церкви и религиозных сект

Забавный случай произошел в 1806-м году в английском городе Лидс. Кто
то, якобы, заметил, что курица стала нести яйца с таинственной надписью
«Христос в пути». Новость об этих странных яйцах облетела весь город,
и жители стали поговаривать, что конец света не за горами. Впрочем,
мистификация вскоре раскрылась.
Фермер из Новой Англии Уильям Миллер после нескольких лет очень
тщательного изучения Библии сделал вывод, что с помощью точной
литературной интерпретации манускриптов можно предсказать дату, когда
Бог решил уничтожить этот мир. После тщательного исследования
он определил, что это событие должно произойти между 21 марта 1843-го
года по 21 марта 1844-го года. У Миллера были тысячи последователей,
которые верили, что конец света уже близко. Они распродавали или
раздавали имущество, предполагая, что оно им уже не понадобится. После
того, как в указанные даты конца света не наступило, группа сектантов
распалась, а некоторые из них основали новое течение, которое получило
название Адвентисты седьмого дня.
Второе пришествие Христа ждал в 1994-м году американский проповедник
Гарольд Кемпинг. Не дождавшись, он и его сторонники перенесли
апокалипсис на 2011-й год. Каждый раз проповедник организовывал
грандиозные рекламные кампании на пожертвованные верующими деньги, при
этом, видимо, неплохо зарабатывая.
4. Предсказания о параде планет и падениях метеоритов

За предсказания конца света брались не только приверженцы религиозных
течений, но и астрономы и астрологи, которые то и дело видели на небе
загадочные знаки в виде парада планет или приближающихся к Земле
астероидов и гигантских планет-невидимок.
Что такое падающие астероиды и планеты-убийцы ещё можно было себе
представить, а вот про парад планет возникало множество заблуждений. Так
большинство простых смертных представляло себе, что в определенный день
Х все известные на тот момент планеты нашей системы выстроятся в одну
линию, в результате чего произойдет конец света. Если хоть немного
разбираться в астрономии, то легко понять, что теоретически все планеты
никак не могут выстроиться в одну линию. Парады планет действительно
происходят, но все они неполные.
Например, 8 мая 1774-го года наблюдатель с Земли мог заметить, что
Юпитер, Марс, Венера и Меркурий, а также Луна находятся непосредственной
близости друг от друга. Астролог Элко Альто предсказал это события.
На основе цитат из Библии он сделал вывод, что в этот день наступит
конец света.
Американский метеоролог Альберт Порта также предсказал конец света 17
декабря 1919-го года из-за парада планет, вспышек на Солнце и сожжения
Индийские астрологи увидели нехорошие знаки на небе 4 февраля 1962-го
года, когда также наблюдался парад планет. Подобное скопление планет
на одном участке неба наблюдалось 5 мая 2000-го года.
5. Конец света 2000-го года

2000-й год многие считали переломным годом. Во-первых, все прощались
с 20-м веком и первым тысячелетием, во-вторых, с интересом ожидали
приближения чего-то нового и неизведанного. Все это также подогревалось
научно-фантастическими голливудскими фильмами.
С 2000-м годом, естественно, многие стали связывать конец света,
в первую очередь, конец света для компьютеров, которые могли путать века
из-за того, что данные начала нового столетия фиксировались, как 00,
а не 2000. Таким образом, получалось, что 1 января 2000-го года могло
быть записано так же, как 1 января 1900-го года: 01/01/00.
Некоторые пессимисты утверждали, что из-за этого 1 января 2000-го
года наступит катастрофа, которая отключит все компьютеры мира, нарушит
связь и даже приведет к ядерным взрывам. Продажа личного оружия
подскочила, некоторые собирались укрываться в убежищах, запаслись
провизией, однако новый век начался без серьезных проблем.
В 2000-м году предсказывали появление второй Луны, ядерную войну,
парад планет, падение астероида и многое другое. Впрочем, как и всегда,
человечество прожило и этот год без предсказанных событий, чему
радовалось недолго, так как концы света стали предсказывать каждый год,
причем по самым нелепым причинам. Вот несколько из примеров:
- 11 августа 2001-го года — конец света, так как Землю засосет в черную дыру;
- 2003 год — Земля распадется на части;
- 6 июня 2006-го года — должен был состояться конец света из-за сочетания цифр 6.6.2006 (число дьявола).
- 10 сентября 2008-го года — из-за запуска Большого адронного коллайдера могла возникнуть черная дыра, которая поглотила бы Землю.
Когда ожидаются следующие концы света?

2012 год. Ближайший конец света, как все
мы прекрасно знаем, произойдет 21 декабря 2012 года. Эту дату удалось
вычислить на основе календаря майя, который якобы заканчивается в этот
день. Однако наука никаким образом это не подтверждает.
2021 год. В этот год может произойти конец света
из-за инверсии магнитного поля Земли, что повлечет за собой гибель более
половины человечества.
2036 год. Конец света может наступить из-за
столкновения с астероидом Апофисом. Этот астероид диаметром 270 метров
достаточно серьезно угрожает Земле столкновением, поэтому ученые уже
сегодня рисуют страшные картины последствий этого события, но в то же
время думают о том, как же предотвратить катастрофу.
2060 год. Прогноз о конце света, который был сделан Исааком Ньютоном еще в начале 18-го века.
2242 год. На основе теории планетарных эпох
еврейский философ Авраам бен Меир ибн Эзраеще в 12-м веке сделал прогноз
будущего конца света. По его теории в этот год заканчивается эпоха
3797 год. Пророчество Нострадамуса, которое он изложил в «Письме сыну Цезаря».
Через 5 миллиардов лет. Именно столько времени,
по мнению большинства ученых, проживет наше Солнце, после чего в его
центре закончится топливо, поэтому звезда будет сбрасывать внешние слои
и расширяться, поглотив Землю и остальные планеты.
5 facts about the end of the world
End of the world - a popular concept in our world, and the prediction of the disappearance of the human civilization began to appear as early as prehistoric times. Whether people like to think of future disasters and to believe in them, or sow panic among the people the powers that have purposes, but the fact remains that the ends of the earth have predicted everything from the ancient Romans, medieval popes, religious movements 18-19's century and ending with all and sundry, in our time.1. The first mention of the end of the world: the 7th century BC
5 facts about the end of the world
According to some, the first prediction of the end of the world, which is preserved in history, was made by the Romans as early as the 7th century BC. Many of the inhabitants of ancient Rome feared that the city would be destroyed in the 120th anniversary of its foundation, in 634, the year.
According to the myth, 12 eagles were one of the founders of Rome, Romulus. 12 - mystical number, which indicates the duration of Rome. For some reason, the first Romans saw it, every eagle symbolized the 10 years, it was concluded that Rome would fall in 120 years after the founding. However, the Romans had some other suggestions in this regard. They believed that the mysterious number, open Romulus - is the number of days in a year, so the end of the world was to come in 389, the year before Christ.
As we know, the city stands to this day and continues to grow, despite the great number of rulers, political trends, disasters and wars that he had to endure.2. The second coming of Jesus Christ marks the end of the world?
5 facts about the end of the world
In the history preserved hundreds of examples of predictions that Jesus Christ must return to Earth. Almost all Christian churches had expected and still expect this event. But all predictions were unsuccessful, at least in the past.
Some believed that Christ would surely come in 1000 after his death in 1033, the year. In the 19th century sect of "Community Bible scholars" explained to the prophecy of the Bible in such a way that the end of the world was to come in 1874, the same year and the expected return of Christ.3. The predictions of the church and religious sects
5 facts about the end of the world
Amusing incident occurred in 1806 in the English city of Leeds. Someone allegedly noticed that the chicken has to lay eggs with a mysterious inscription, "Christ in the way." The news of these strange eggs spread throughout the city, and the people began to talk, that end of the world is imminent. However, the hoax was soon revealed.
New England farmer William Miller, after several years of very careful study of the Bible has concluded that using the exact interpretation of literary manuscripts can predict the date when God decided to destroy the world. After careful research, he determined that the event should take place between March 21, 1843 the year to 21 March 1844. In Miller had thousands of followers, who believed that the end of the world is near. They sold or distributed property, assuming that it will not need them. After the specified dates of doom did not come, a group of cultists broke up, and some of them established a new trend, which became known as Seventh-day Adventists.
The second coming of Christ was waiting in 1994, the American preacher Harold Camping. Without waiting, he and his followers moved to the apocalypse 2011 year. Every time the preacher organized an ambitious advertising campaign believers donated money, while, apparently, good earning.4. Predictions of a parade of planets and falling meteorites
5 facts about the end of the world
For doomsday predictions were taken not only those faiths, but astronomers and astrologers who now and then seen in the sky in the form of mysterious characters parade of planets or asteroids approaching the Earth and the giant planets of the invisible.
What is the falling asteroids and planet-killer was still possible to imagine, and that's about the parade of planets encountered many misconceptions. Since most ordinary mortals have imagined that on a certain day X all known at the time the planets of our system up in one line, resulting in a doomsday. If you know something of astronomy, it is easy to understand that in theory all the world simply can not line up in one line. Parade of planets do occur, but they are incomplete.
For example, on 8 May 1774 of the observer on Earth could see that Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury, and the Moon are close to each other. Elko Alto astrologer predicted this event. On the basis of quotations from the Bible, he concluded that in this day come to an end.
American meteorologist Albert Porta also predicted the end of the world December 17, 1919 of the year because of the parade of planets, solar flares and burning Earth.
Indian astrologers saw bad signs in heaven February 4, 1962, the year when there was also a parade of planets. Such an accumulation of planets on one area of the sky observed May 5, 2000-year.5. End of the World 2000,
5 facts about the end of the world
The year 2000 was widely considered a watershed year. First, all said farewell to the 20th century and the first millennium, second, looked forward to approaching something new and unknown. All this is also fueled by the sci-fi Hollywood movies.
Since 2000 year, of course, many became associated end of the world in the first place, the end of the world for computers, which could confuse the century because the data recorded by the turn of the century, as 00 instead of 2000. Thus it was that on 1 January 2000, could be written as well as January 1, 1900: 01/01/00.
Some pessimists argued that because of this, January 1, 2000-year catastrophe strikes, which shut down all the computers of the world, break the connection and even lead to nuclear explosions. Sale of personal weapons jumped, some were going to take refuge in shelters, stocked with provisions, but the new century began with no major problems.
In 2000, he predicted the appearance of a second moon, nuclear war, a parade of planets, asteroids falling, and more. However, as always, mankind has lived and this year is no predicted events, what to enjoy for long, since the ends of the world are predicting a year, and for the most ridiculous reasons. Here are a few examples:
August 11, 2001 year - end of the world, as the Earth sucked into a black hole;
2003 - Earth fall apart;
June 6, 2006 year - was to be held end of the world due to a combination of numbers 06.06.2006 (the number of the devil.)
September 10, 2008 of the year - because when the Large Hadron Collider could be a black hole that would swallow the Earth.
As expected the following parts of the world?
5 facts about the end of the world
2012. Nearest end of the world as we all know, there will be 21 December 2012. This date was able to calculate, based on the Mayan calendar, which supposedly ends on that day. But science is not in any way confirmed.
2021. In that year, end of the world could occur because of the inversion of the magnetic field of the Earth, leading to the deaths of more than half of humanity.
2036. End of the world may result from a collision with an asteroid Apophis. This asteroid with a diameter of 270 meters seriously threaten Earth collision, so scientists today paint scary picture of the consequences of the event, but at the same time thinking about how to prevent a catastrophe.
2060. Prediction about the end of the world, which was made by Isaac Newton in the early 18th century.
2242. Based on the theory of planetary periods Jewish philosopher Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezraesche in the 12th century made a prediction of the future end of the world. According to his theory in this year ends the era of the Sun.
Year 3797. Nostradamus prophecy, which he outlined in his "Letter to his son Caesar."
In 5 billion years. That's how long, according to most scholars, live our sun, and then in the center runs out of fuel, so the star will drop and the outer layers expand, engulfing the Earth and other planets.
End of the world - a popular concept in our world, and the prediction of the disappearance of the human civilization began to appear as early as prehistoric times. Whether people like to think of future disasters and to believe in them, or sow panic among the people the powers that have purposes, but the fact remains that the ends of the earth have predicted everything from the ancient Romans, medieval popes, religious movements 18-19's century and ending with all and sundry, in our time.1. The first mention of the end of the world: the 7th century BC
5 facts about the end of the world
According to some, the first prediction of the end of the world, which is preserved in history, was made by the Romans as early as the 7th century BC. Many of the inhabitants of ancient Rome feared that the city would be destroyed in the 120th anniversary of its foundation, in 634, the year.
According to the myth, 12 eagles were one of the founders of Rome, Romulus. 12 - mystical number, which indicates the duration of Rome. For some reason, the first Romans saw it, every eagle symbolized the 10 years, it was concluded that Rome would fall in 120 years after the founding. However, the Romans had some other suggestions in this regard. They believed that the mysterious number, open Romulus - is the number of days in a year, so the end of the world was to come in 389, the year before Christ.
As we know, the city stands to this day and continues to grow, despite the great number of rulers, political trends, disasters and wars that he had to endure.2. The second coming of Jesus Christ marks the end of the world?
5 facts about the end of the world
In the history preserved hundreds of examples of predictions that Jesus Christ must return to Earth. Almost all Christian churches had expected and still expect this event. But all predictions were unsuccessful, at least in the past.
Some believed that Christ would surely come in 1000 after his death in 1033, the year. In the 19th century sect of "Community Bible scholars" explained to the prophecy of the Bible in such a way that the end of the world was to come in 1874, the same year and the expected return of Christ.3. The predictions of the church and religious sects
5 facts about the end of the world
Amusing incident occurred in 1806 in the English city of Leeds. Someone allegedly noticed that the chicken has to lay eggs with a mysterious inscription, "Christ in the way." The news of these strange eggs spread throughout the city, and the people began to talk, that end of the world is imminent. However, the hoax was soon revealed.
New England farmer William Miller, after several years of very careful study of the Bible has concluded that using the exact interpretation of literary manuscripts can predict the date when God decided to destroy the world. After careful research, he determined that the event should take place between March 21, 1843 the year to 21 March 1844. In Miller had thousands of followers, who believed that the end of the world is near. They sold or distributed property, assuming that it will not need them. After the specified dates of doom did not come, a group of cultists broke up, and some of them established a new trend, which became known as Seventh-day Adventists.
The second coming of Christ was waiting in 1994, the American preacher Harold Camping. Without waiting, he and his followers moved to the apocalypse 2011 year. Every time the preacher organized an ambitious advertising campaign believers donated money, while, apparently, good earning.4. Predictions of a parade of planets and falling meteorites
5 facts about the end of the world
For doomsday predictions were taken not only those faiths, but astronomers and astrologers who now and then seen in the sky in the form of mysterious characters parade of planets or asteroids approaching the Earth and the giant planets of the invisible.
What is the falling asteroids and planet-killer was still possible to imagine, and that's about the parade of planets encountered many misconceptions. Since most ordinary mortals have imagined that on a certain day X all known at the time the planets of our system up in one line, resulting in a doomsday. If you know something of astronomy, it is easy to understand that in theory all the world simply can not line up in one line. Parade of planets do occur, but they are incomplete.
For example, on 8 May 1774 of the observer on Earth could see that Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury, and the Moon are close to each other. Elko Alto astrologer predicted this event. On the basis of quotations from the Bible, he concluded that in this day come to an end.
American meteorologist Albert Porta also predicted the end of the world December 17, 1919 of the year because of the parade of planets, solar flares and burning Earth.
Indian astrologers saw bad signs in heaven February 4, 1962, the year when there was also a parade of planets. Such an accumulation of planets on one area of the sky observed May 5, 2000-year.5. End of the World 2000,
5 facts about the end of the world
The year 2000 was widely considered a watershed year. First, all said farewell to the 20th century and the first millennium, second, looked forward to approaching something new and unknown. All this is also fueled by the sci-fi Hollywood movies.
Since 2000 year, of course, many became associated end of the world in the first place, the end of the world for computers, which could confuse the century because the data recorded by the turn of the century, as 00 instead of 2000. Thus it was that on 1 January 2000, could be written as well as January 1, 1900: 01/01/00.
Some pessimists argued that because of this, January 1, 2000-year catastrophe strikes, which shut down all the computers of the world, break the connection and even lead to nuclear explosions. Sale of personal weapons jumped, some were going to take refuge in shelters, stocked with provisions, but the new century began with no major problems.
In 2000, he predicted the appearance of a second moon, nuclear war, a parade of planets, asteroids falling, and more. However, as always, mankind has lived and this year is no predicted events, what to enjoy for long, since the ends of the world are predicting a year, and for the most ridiculous reasons. Here are a few examples:
August 11, 2001 year - end of the world, as the Earth sucked into a black hole;
2003 - Earth fall apart;
June 6, 2006 year - was to be held end of the world due to a combination of numbers 06.06.2006 (the number of the devil.)
September 10, 2008 of the year - because when the Large Hadron Collider could be a black hole that would swallow the Earth.
As expected the following parts of the world?
5 facts about the end of the world
2012. Nearest end of the world as we all know, there will be 21 December 2012. This date was able to calculate, based on the Mayan calendar, which supposedly ends on that day. But science is not in any way confirmed.
2021. In that year, end of the world could occur because of the inversion of the magnetic field of the Earth, leading to the deaths of more than half of humanity.
2036. End of the world may result from a collision with an asteroid Apophis. This asteroid with a diameter of 270 meters seriously threaten Earth collision, so scientists today paint scary picture of the consequences of the event, but at the same time thinking about how to prevent a catastrophe.
2060. Prediction about the end of the world, which was made by Isaac Newton in the early 18th century.
2242. Based on the theory of planetary periods Jewish philosopher Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezraesche in the 12th century made a prediction of the future end of the world. According to his theory in this year ends the era of the Sun.
Year 3797. Nostradamus prophecy, which he outlined in his "Letter to his son Caesar."
In 5 billion years. That's how long, according to most scholars, live our sun, and then in the center runs out of fuel, so the star will drop and the outer layers expand, engulfing the Earth and other planets.
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