Висячие гробы — погребальные сооружения в виде гробов, размещающихся на скалах, высоко над землёй. Встречаются во многих странах, в том числе в Китае...
Захоронение в висячих гробах — древний погребальный обычай некоторых национальных меньшинств Китая, особенно народа; впервые упоминаются в хрониках династии Мин. Полые гробы разной формы высекались из цельных кусков дерева нану. После помещения внутрь трупа покойного их располагали на высоких (до 100 м) скальных уступах и пещерах, чаще группами.
По поверьям народа бо горы были лестницей между этим миром и небесным. Кроме того, жители хотели уберечь покойных от осквернения врагами и животными.
Hanging coffins - burial structures in the form of coffins that are located on the cliffs high above the ground. There are many countries, including China.
Burial in the hanging coffins - the ancient burial custom of some ethnic minorities in China, especially the people, first mentioned in chronicles of the Ming Dynasty. Hollow coffins of various shapes carved out of solid pieces of wood, NASU. After placing the corpse of the deceased inside their disposal at high (100 meters) of rock ledges and caves, often in groups.
People believed to bo the mountains were stairs between this world and heaven. In addition, residents wanted to protect the dead from desecration by enemies and animals.
Burial in the hanging coffins - the ancient burial custom of some ethnic minorities in China, especially the people, first mentioned in chronicles of the Ming Dynasty. Hollow coffins of various shapes carved out of solid pieces of wood, NASU. After placing the corpse of the deceased inside their disposal at high (100 meters) of rock ledges and caves, often in groups.
People believed to bo the mountains were stairs between this world and heaven. In addition, residents wanted to protect the dead from desecration by enemies and animals.
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