Фото самых больших, быстрых, высоких, странных и просто чокнутых рекордсменов из Книги рекордов Гиннеса 2012 года...
С чего все это началось?..
4 мая 1951 года сэр Нью Бивер, будучи управляющим директором пивоварни Guinness отправился в Норт Слоб в графстве Вексфорд, Ирландия, чтобы пострелять. Там принял участие в споре о том, какая птица является самой быстрой в Европе, и понял, что не существует книги, к которой можно было бы обратиться за доказательствами. Тогда он решил, что книга, дающая ответы на подобные вопросы, может вызвать большой интерес. Первый экземпляр “Книги рекордов Гиннеса” на 197 страницах был переплетен 27 августа 1955 года, и уже к рождеству книга стала бестселлером в Великобритании. С тех пор было продано более 400 млн. копий.

Черно-подпалый кунхаунд по кличке Харбор обладает самыми длинными ушами среди собак. Длина левого уха 31,7 см, а правого – 34 см.

Самая большая скрипка.
Мастера производства скрипок и луков из Фогтланда, Германия, создали скрипку длиной 4,2 м и шириной и 1,23 м . Этот музыкальный инструмент и ее 5,1 -метровый смычок в семь раз больше обычной скрипки. Чтобы на ней играть, нужно три человека: один прижимает струны, а двое других двигают смычок.

Самые длинные ногти на руках женщины.
Самые длинные ногти принадлежат Крис “Графине” Уолтон, и их длина составляет в сумме 3,09 м на левой руке и 2,88 м на правой на момент измерения в Лас-Вегасе, 21 февраля 2011 года.

Самое большое количество собак, прыгающих на скакалке.
Кто мог бы знать, что собаки, а тем более целых 13, могут одновременно прыгать на скакалке. Рекорд принадлежит цирку Uchida Geinousha’s “Super Wan Wan Circus” из Японии.

Самая большая в мире коллекция пингвинов.
Бриджит Берендс из Германии собрала самую большую коллекцию вещей, имеющих отношение к пингвинам, общим числом 11062 штуки. Рекорд был поставлен 14 марта 2011 года. Самый первый пингвин, с которого началось увлечение Бриджит, был куплен еще во время ее обучения в начальной школе.

Самая быстрая церковь для венчания.
Церковь на колесах под названием The Best Man из Шелбивилля, Иллинойс, развила скорость 99 км/ч. В этой миниатюрной церкви есть все, что нужно: окна с витражами, 1000-ваттная стереосистема, орган, кафедра проповедника и крыльцо с коваными поручнями.

Самое большое количество пирсинга на мужчине.
Рольф Буххольц проколот в 453 местах по всему телу. Буххольц, житель Дортмунда, носит 94 украшения в губах или вокруг них, 25 в бровях, 8 в носу и 278 в области гениталий.

Самый молодой человек, облетевший в одиночку вокруг света.
23-летний студент Мемориального университета Флориды Баррингтон Ирвинг не побоялся снегов, дождей и штормов, и совершил свой рекордный полет. Кроме того, он стал первым черным американцем, побившим этот рекорд. Когда Баррингтон узнал, что никто не одолжит ему самолет для рекорда, он построил собственный Columbia 400 из деталей, пожертвованных ему авиастроительным заводом в Колумбии.

Самая большая в мире шоколадка.
Рабочие и гости кондитерской компании World’s Finest Chocolate в Чикаго восхищаются шоколадкой весом в 5574 кг, которая была сделана ради рекорда Гиннеса 13 сентября 2011 года. Высота батончика почти метр, длина – 7 м, и его вес превосходит прошлый рекорд почти на тонну.

Самый длинный домашний кот (и самый длинный кошачий хвост).
Кот Стюи – пятилетний мейн-кун длиной 1,23 м. Его хозяева Робин Хендриксон и Эрик Брэндснесс измерили Стюи 28 августа 2010 года. Также его хвост длиной 41,5 см является самым длинным в мире кошачьим хвостом.

Самая большая прическа афро.
Обладательницей самой большой прически афро 18,3 см в высоту, 19,5 см в ширину и 1,31 м в обхвате является Эвин Дугас из Нового Орлеана.

Самый длинный женский язык.
Шанель Тэппер из Калифорнии обладает языком длиной 9,6 см от кончика до верхней губы. Абсолютным рекордсменом, однако, является британец Стивен Тейлор с языком длиной 9,8 см.

Самая большая коллекция коров.
Денис Тубанги из США владеет коллекцией из 2429 предметов, связанных с коровами, по данным на март 2011 года. Денис начала собирать коллекцию в 1990 году, когда увидела фигурку коровы на кухне своей матери. Ее любимый предмет из коллекции – игрушечный теленок в натуральную величину, подаренный ее соседями.

Самая низкорослая кошка.
Самой низкорослой кошкой является двухлетняя Фиц Герл породы манчкин, и ее высота составляет 15,2 см. Она живет у Тиффани Кьельдергаард в Сан-Диего, Калифорния.

Самые длинные усы.
Усы длиной 4,2 м принадлежат индийцу Рам Синг Чаухану.

Самый большой крокодил живущий в неволе.
Кассий Клэй, австралийский морской крокодил, был объявлен Книгой рекордов Гиннеса самым большим крокодилом, живущим в неволе. Его длина составляет 5,47 м, а вес – 907 кг.
26 килограммов пчел
Китайский фермер Ванг Далин стал победителем в удивительном соревновании, на участников которого должны приземлиться как можно больше пчел.
42-летний пчеловод вышел в финал необычного и небезопасного «пчелиного» состязания в Шаоянге, провинция Хунань, Китай, вместе с двадцатилетним фермером Ли Конгдзянгом.

Храбрец: 42-летний пчеловод Ванг Далин, покрытый пчелами с ног до головы, стоит на специальных измерительных весах.
Смельчаки должны были становиться на весы, из всей одежды они имели право оставаться только в шортах. После этого пчелиные матки должны были привлечь на их тела других пчел.

Ванг Далин во время «пчелиного» состязания.
Мистера Ванга Далина признали победителем – за шестьдесят минут на него село количество пчел, общий вес который достиг 26,86 килограммов, по сообщениям местных газет. На мистера Ли Конгдзянга село в общей сложности 22,9 килограмм пчел.

Занявший второе место Ли Конгдзянг приветствует собравшихся посмотреть на удивительное соревнование зрителей.

Необычное соревнование привлекло огромные толпы любопытных. Впрчоем, в отличие от самих участников, большинство их них озаботились тем, чтобы запастись специальной защитной одеждой.

Зрители наблюдают за тем, как пчелы садятся на Ванг Далина.

Самый низкий человек в мире
Рост Джунри Балауинга, живущего в отдаленном городке на юге Филиппин, – чуть менее двух футов. Он был официально объявлен самым низким человеком в мире и занесен в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса.
Джунри Балауинг, которому только что исполнилось восемнадцать лет, ростом 23,5 дюйма (59,93 сантиметра), и он на 7 сантиметров ниже, чем предыдущий обладатель титула самого низкого человека в мире Хагендра Тапа Магар из Непала, рост которого составляет 26 дюймов (около 67 сантиметров).

Команда Книги Рекордов Гиннесса торжественно внесла данные Джунри Балауинга в книгу в отдаленном филиппинском городе Синданган, где живет Балауинг.

По правилам, рекордсмену должно быть не менее 18 лет. Свое совершеннолетие самый маленький человек в мире отметил в это воскресенье.

Отец Джунри Балауинга сказал, что его сын, старший из четырех детей, перестал расти в свой первый год жизни. Его речь также перестала развиваться, и его общение сейчас ограничивается короткими фразами. Балауинг в основном остается дома, поскольку нуждается в помощи, чтобы перемещаться с места на место. Его состояние не позволило ему посещать школу.

Хотя внесение в Книгу Рекордов Гиннесса не предусматривает денежный приз, глава Книги Рекордов Гиннесса Крейг Глендай отметил, что команда надеется, что обнародование случая Балауинга поможет привлечь внимание медицинских специалистов, которые могут быть в состоянии помочь ему. Местные врачи оказались не в состоянии объяснить причины его нынешнего состояния. “Предыдущему рекордсмену была оказана медицинская помощь … Он даже прошел бесплатные операции, которые были сделаны за государственный счет США”, отметил глава Книги Рекордов Гиннесса Крейг Глендай.

Джунри Балауинг отмечает свой восемнадцатый день рождения с тортом и воздушными шарами.

Предыдущий обладатель титула самого низкого человека в мире Хагендра Тапа Магар, рост которого составляет 67,08 сантиметров (26,4 дюйма), демонстрирует свои медали рекордсмена в Покхара, к западу от Катманду. Он более чем на семь сантиметров выше, чем Джунри Балауинг.

Свой титул самого низкого человека в мире Хагендра Тапа Магар получил на свое восемнадцатилетие 14 октября 2010 года.

Эдвард Нино Германдез был обладателем титула самого низкого человека в мире в недолгий период с марта по октябрь 2010 года, между смертью предыдущего рекордсмена и восемнадцатилетием Хагендра Тапа Магар.

Хе Пингпинг из Китая получил титул самого низкого человека в мире в январе 2007 года. В 2010 году он умер от болезни сердца в возрасте 21 года. Его рост составлял 74 сантиметра (2 фута и 5 дюймов).

Хе Пингпинг был известен по всему миру. На этой фотографии он находится рядом с Бао Синшун, который был обладателем титула самого высокого человека в мире до сентября 2009 года. Его рост составлял 2 метра и 36 сантиметров (7 футов и 9 дюймов).

Хе Пингпинг рядом с Султаном Козеном из Турции, следующим обладателем титула самого высокого человека в мире. Его рост – 246, 5 сантиметров (8 футов и 1 дюйм).

Первый обладатель звания самого низкого человека в мире, чей рост и возраст были официально задокументированы представителями Книги рекордов Гинесса – Ги Мухаммед из Нью-Дели, Индия. Его рост составлял всего лишь 57 сантиметров. Ги Мухаммед умер в возрасте сорока лет в 1997 году из-за проблем с дыханием, вызванных злоупотреблением табаком.
Where did it all start?
May 4, 1951 New Beaver sir, as a managing director of Guinness Brewery went to the North Slob in County Wexford, Ireland to shoot. They took part in the debate about what kind of bird is the fastest in Europe, and realized that there was no book to which one could ask for evidence. Then he decided that the book gives answers to questions like, can cause great concern. The first copy of the "Guinness Book of Records" on page 197 was bound August 27, 1955, and has a Christmas book became a bestseller in the UK. It has since been sold to more than 400 million copies.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest ears in the dog.
Black and tan kunhaund named Harbor has the longest ears of dogs. Length 31.7 cm of the left ear and right - 34 cm
Guinness Records 2012
The greatest violin.
Masters of the production of violins and bows of the Vogtland, Germany, created a violin and a length of 4.2 m wide and 1.23 meters. This instrument and its 5.1-meter-long bow seven times more than the usual violin. To play on it, it takes three people: one pulls the strings, and two others move the bow.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest fingernails on the hands of women.
The longest fingernails belong to Chris, "Countess," Walton, and their length is 3.09 m in the sum on the left arm and 2.88 m on the right at the time of measurement in Las Vegas, February 21, 2011.
Guinness Records 2012
The largest number of dogs, jumping on the rope.
Who would know that dogs, and even more so as much as 13, can jump on the rope at the same time. Record belongs to the circus Uchida Geinousha's "Super Wan Wan Circus" from Japan.
Guinness Records 2012
The world's largest collection of penguins.
Bridget BERENDS of Germany brought together the largest collection of things related to penguins, a total of 11 062 pieces. Record was set March 14, 2011. The first penguin craze that began Bridget, was bought by another during her elementary school.
Guinness Records 2012
Fastest church for the wedding.
Church on wheels, called The Best Man from Shelbyville, Illinois, has developed a speed of 99 km / h. This tiny church is all that is needed: with stained glass windows, 1000 watt stereo system, organ, pulpit and porch with wrought iron handrails.
Guinness Records 2012
The largest number of piercing on a man.
Rolf Buchholz punctured in 453 locations throughout the body. Buchholz, a resident of Dortmund, has 94 decorations in the lips or around 25 in the eyebrows, nose, and 8 278 in the genital area.
Guinness Records 2012
The youngest man to orbit on its own around the world.
23-year-old student at Memorial University of Florida Barrington Irving is not afraid of snow, rain and storm, and made his record-breaking flight. In addition, he became the first black American, has broken this record. When Barrington learned that no one would lend him a plane for the record, he built his own Columbia 400 from parts donated his aircraft manufacturing plant in Colombia.
Guinness Records 2012
The world's largest chocolate.
Workers and guests of the company of confectionery World's Finest Chocolate in Chicago admired chocolate, weighing 5574 kg, which was made for the Guinness record September 13, 2011. The height of bars almost meter length - 7 m, and its weight exceeds the previous record by nearly a ton.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest home cat (and longest cat tail).
Cote Styui - five Maine coon length 1.23 m. Its owners, Robin and Eric Hendrickson Brendsness measured Styui August 28, 2010. Also, the tail length 41.5 cm is the world's longest cat tail.
Guinness Records 2012
The biggest Afro hair style.
Owner of the biggest Afro hair 18.3 cm in height, 19.5 inches wide and 1.31 m in girth is Evin Dugas of New Orleans.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest female tongue.
Chanel Tapper of California has a long tongue 9.6 cm from the tip to the upper lip. Absolute champion, however, is Steven Taylor, a Briton with a long tongue 9.8 cm
Guinness Records 2012
The largest collection of cows.
Denis Tubangi of the U.S. owns a collection of 2429 items related to the cows, as of March 2011. Dennis started collecting in 1990, when she saw the figure of a cow in the kitchen of his mother. Her favorite subject of the collection - a toy calf at full size, given its neighbors.
Guinness Records 2012
The most stunted cat.
Most dwarf cat is a two-year-Fitz Girl Munchkin, and its height is 15.2 cm She lives at Tiffany Keldergaard in San Diego, California.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest whiskers.
Mustache length of 4.2 m Indians belong to Ram Singh Chauhan.
Guinness Records 2012
The largest living crocodile in captivity.
Cassius Clay, the Australian saltwater crocodile was declared the Guinness World Record's largest crocodile living in captivity. Its length is 5.47 m, weight - 907 kg.
May 4, 1951 New Beaver sir, as a managing director of Guinness Brewery went to the North Slob in County Wexford, Ireland to shoot. They took part in the debate about what kind of bird is the fastest in Europe, and realized that there was no book to which one could ask for evidence. Then he decided that the book gives answers to questions like, can cause great concern. The first copy of the "Guinness Book of Records" on page 197 was bound August 27, 1955, and has a Christmas book became a bestseller in the UK. It has since been sold to more than 400 million copies.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest ears in the dog.
Black and tan kunhaund named Harbor has the longest ears of dogs. Length 31.7 cm of the left ear and right - 34 cm
Guinness Records 2012
The greatest violin.
Masters of the production of violins and bows of the Vogtland, Germany, created a violin and a length of 4.2 m wide and 1.23 meters. This instrument and its 5.1-meter-long bow seven times more than the usual violin. To play on it, it takes three people: one pulls the strings, and two others move the bow.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest fingernails on the hands of women.
The longest fingernails belong to Chris, "Countess," Walton, and their length is 3.09 m in the sum on the left arm and 2.88 m on the right at the time of measurement in Las Vegas, February 21, 2011.
Guinness Records 2012
The largest number of dogs, jumping on the rope.
Who would know that dogs, and even more so as much as 13, can jump on the rope at the same time. Record belongs to the circus Uchida Geinousha's "Super Wan Wan Circus" from Japan.
Guinness Records 2012
The world's largest collection of penguins.
Bridget BERENDS of Germany brought together the largest collection of things related to penguins, a total of 11 062 pieces. Record was set March 14, 2011. The first penguin craze that began Bridget, was bought by another during her elementary school.
Guinness Records 2012
Fastest church for the wedding.
Church on wheels, called The Best Man from Shelbyville, Illinois, has developed a speed of 99 km / h. This tiny church is all that is needed: with stained glass windows, 1000 watt stereo system, organ, pulpit and porch with wrought iron handrails.
Guinness Records 2012
The largest number of piercing on a man.
Rolf Buchholz punctured in 453 locations throughout the body. Buchholz, a resident of Dortmund, has 94 decorations in the lips or around 25 in the eyebrows, nose, and 8 278 in the genital area.
Guinness Records 2012
The youngest man to orbit on its own around the world.
23-year-old student at Memorial University of Florida Barrington Irving is not afraid of snow, rain and storm, and made his record-breaking flight. In addition, he became the first black American, has broken this record. When Barrington learned that no one would lend him a plane for the record, he built his own Columbia 400 from parts donated his aircraft manufacturing plant in Colombia.
Guinness Records 2012
The world's largest chocolate.
Workers and guests of the company of confectionery World's Finest Chocolate in Chicago admired chocolate, weighing 5574 kg, which was made for the Guinness record September 13, 2011. The height of bars almost meter length - 7 m, and its weight exceeds the previous record by nearly a ton.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest home cat (and longest cat tail).
Cote Styui - five Maine coon length 1.23 m. Its owners, Robin and Eric Hendrickson Brendsness measured Styui August 28, 2010. Also, the tail length 41.5 cm is the world's longest cat tail.
Guinness Records 2012
The biggest Afro hair style.
Owner of the biggest Afro hair 18.3 cm in height, 19.5 inches wide and 1.31 m in girth is Evin Dugas of New Orleans.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest female tongue.
Chanel Tapper of California has a long tongue 9.6 cm from the tip to the upper lip. Absolute champion, however, is Steven Taylor, a Briton with a long tongue 9.8 cm
Guinness Records 2012
The largest collection of cows.
Denis Tubangi of the U.S. owns a collection of 2429 items related to the cows, as of March 2011. Dennis started collecting in 1990, when she saw the figure of a cow in the kitchen of his mother. Her favorite subject of the collection - a toy calf at full size, given its neighbors.
Guinness Records 2012
The most stunted cat.
Most dwarf cat is a two-year-Fitz Girl Munchkin, and its height is 15.2 cm She lives at Tiffany Keldergaard in San Diego, California.
Guinness Records 2012
The longest whiskers.
Mustache length of 4.2 m Indians belong to Ram Singh Chauhan.
Guinness Records 2012
The largest living crocodile in captivity.
Cassius Clay, the Australian saltwater crocodile was declared the Guinness World Record's largest crocodile living in captivity. Its length is 5.47 m, weight - 907 kg.
26 pounds of bees
Chinese farmer Wang Dalin has won an amazing contest, in which participants have to land as many bees.
42-year-old beekeeper out in the final of an unusual and unsafe "bee" contest in Shaoyange, Hunan Province, China, with twenty years of farmer Lee Kongdzyangom.
26 pounds of bees
Brave 42-year-old beekeeper Wang Dalin, covered with bees from head to toe, standing on special measuring scale.
Braves were supposed to get on the scale of the entire clothing they had the right to remain only in shorts. After this queen bee had to draw on their bodies of other bees.
26 pounds of bees
Wang Dalin during the "bee" contest.
Mr. Wang Dalin acknowledged winner - for sixty minutes at a village of bees, which reached a total weight of 26.86 pounds, according to local newspapers. At Mr. Lee Kongdzyanga village, a total of 22.9 pounds of bees.
26 pounds of bees
Runner-up Lee Kongdzyang welcomes the audience to look at the amazing race spectators.
26 pounds of bees
The unusual competition has attracted huge crowds of the curious. Vprchoem, in contrast to the participants, most of them attended to in order to stock up on special protective clothing.
26 pounds of bees
Spectators watching the way the bees land on Wang Dalin.
Chinese farmer Wang Dalin has won an amazing contest, in which participants have to land as many bees.
42-year-old beekeeper out in the final of an unusual and unsafe "bee" contest in Shaoyange, Hunan Province, China, with twenty years of farmer Lee Kongdzyangom.
26 pounds of bees
Brave 42-year-old beekeeper Wang Dalin, covered with bees from head to toe, standing on special measuring scale.
Braves were supposed to get on the scale of the entire clothing they had the right to remain only in shorts. After this queen bee had to draw on their bodies of other bees.
26 pounds of bees
Wang Dalin during the "bee" contest.
Mr. Wang Dalin acknowledged winner - for sixty minutes at a village of bees, which reached a total weight of 26.86 pounds, according to local newspapers. At Mr. Lee Kongdzyanga village, a total of 22.9 pounds of bees.
26 pounds of bees
Runner-up Lee Kongdzyang welcomes the audience to look at the amazing race spectators.
26 pounds of bees
The unusual competition has attracted huge crowds of the curious. Vprchoem, in contrast to the participants, most of them attended to in order to stock up on special protective clothing.
26 pounds of bees
Spectators watching the way the bees land on Wang Dalin.
The lowest man in the world
Growth Junru Balauinga living in a remote town in the southern Philippines - a little less than two feet. It was officially announced as the lowest person in the world and is listed in Guinness World Records.
Junru Balauing, who just turned eighteen years, the growth of 23.5 inches (59.93 centimeters), and he is 7 inches lower than the previous title holder of the lowest person in the world Thapa Magar Hagendra from Nepal, whose growth is 26 inches ( about 67 centimeters).
The lowest man in the world
Team Guinness Book of Records has officially Junru Balauinga data in the book in a remote Philippine town of Sindangan, where he lives Balauing.
The lowest man in the world
Under the rules, the champion must be at least 18 years. His age is the smallest man in the world said on Sunday.
The lowest man in the world
Father Junru Balauinga said his son, the eldest of four children, has ceased to grow in its first year of life. His speech also ceased to grow, and his communication is limited to short sentences now. Balauing mostly stays at home as in need of assistance to move from place to place. His condition prevented him from attending school.
The lowest man in the world
While entering into the Guinness Book of Records does not include a monetary prize, the head of Guinness World Records Craig Glenday said that the team hopes that the publication of the case Balauinga help raise awareness of health professionals who may be able to help him. Local doctors have been unable to explain the reasons for its current state. "The previous record holder was given medical assistance ... He even went free operations, which were made at the public expense of the U.S.," said the head of Guinness World Records Craig Glenday.
The lowest man in the world
Junru Balauing celebrates his eighteenth birthday with cake and balloons.
The lowest man in the world
Previous title holder of the lowest person in the world Thapa Magar Hagendra whose growth is 67.08 centimeters (26.4 inches), shows his medal champion in Pokhara, west of Kathmandu. It is more than seven inches taller than Junru Balauing.
The lowest man in the world
The title of the lowest person in the world Thapa Magar Hagendra got on his eighteenth birthday October 14, 2010.
The lowest man in the world
Edward Nino Germandez title holder was the lowest person in the world in a short period from March to October 2010, between the death of previous record holder and eighteenth Thapa Magar Hagendra.
The lowest man in the world
Heh Pingping from China won the title of the lowest person in the world in January 2007. In 2010, he died of heart disease at the age of 21 years. His height was 74 centimeters (2 feet and 5 inches).
The lowest man in the world
Heh Pingping was known around the world. In this picture it is next to Bao Sinshun, who was the holder of the title of tallest man in the world until September 2009. His height was 2 meters and 36 centimeters (7 feet 9 inches).
The lowest man in the world
Heh Pingping next to the Sultan of Turkey Kozenom, the next title holder of the highest person in the world. His height - 246, 5 inches (8 feet, 1 inch).
The lowest man in the world
The first holder of the title of the lowest person in the world, whose growth and age were officially documented by the representatives of Guinness Book of Records - Guy Mohammed from New Delhi, India. His height was only 57 centimeters. Ki Mohammed died at the age of forty years in 1997 because of breathing problems caused by the abuse of tobacco.
Growth Junru Balauinga living in a remote town in the southern Philippines - a little less than two feet. It was officially announced as the lowest person in the world and is listed in Guinness World Records.
Junru Balauing, who just turned eighteen years, the growth of 23.5 inches (59.93 centimeters), and he is 7 inches lower than the previous title holder of the lowest person in the world Thapa Magar Hagendra from Nepal, whose growth is 26 inches ( about 67 centimeters).
The lowest man in the world
Team Guinness Book of Records has officially Junru Balauinga data in the book in a remote Philippine town of Sindangan, where he lives Balauing.
The lowest man in the world
Under the rules, the champion must be at least 18 years. His age is the smallest man in the world said on Sunday.
The lowest man in the world
Father Junru Balauinga said his son, the eldest of four children, has ceased to grow in its first year of life. His speech also ceased to grow, and his communication is limited to short sentences now. Balauing mostly stays at home as in need of assistance to move from place to place. His condition prevented him from attending school.
The lowest man in the world
While entering into the Guinness Book of Records does not include a monetary prize, the head of Guinness World Records Craig Glenday said that the team hopes that the publication of the case Balauinga help raise awareness of health professionals who may be able to help him. Local doctors have been unable to explain the reasons for its current state. "The previous record holder was given medical assistance ... He even went free operations, which were made at the public expense of the U.S.," said the head of Guinness World Records Craig Glenday.
The lowest man in the world
Junru Balauing celebrates his eighteenth birthday with cake and balloons.
The lowest man in the world
Previous title holder of the lowest person in the world Thapa Magar Hagendra whose growth is 67.08 centimeters (26.4 inches), shows his medal champion in Pokhara, west of Kathmandu. It is more than seven inches taller than Junru Balauing.
The lowest man in the world
The title of the lowest person in the world Thapa Magar Hagendra got on his eighteenth birthday October 14, 2010.
The lowest man in the world
Edward Nino Germandez title holder was the lowest person in the world in a short period from March to October 2010, between the death of previous record holder and eighteenth Thapa Magar Hagendra.
The lowest man in the world
Heh Pingping from China won the title of the lowest person in the world in January 2007. In 2010, he died of heart disease at the age of 21 years. His height was 74 centimeters (2 feet and 5 inches).
The lowest man in the world
Heh Pingping was known around the world. In this picture it is next to Bao Sinshun, who was the holder of the title of tallest man in the world until September 2009. His height was 2 meters and 36 centimeters (7 feet 9 inches).
The lowest man in the world
Heh Pingping next to the Sultan of Turkey Kozenom, the next title holder of the highest person in the world. His height - 246, 5 inches (8 feet, 1 inch).
The lowest man in the world
The first holder of the title of the lowest person in the world, whose growth and age were officially documented by the representatives of Guinness Book of Records - Guy Mohammed from New Delhi, India. His height was only 57 centimeters. Ki Mohammed died at the age of forty years in 1997 because of breathing problems caused by the abuse of tobacco.
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