Одно из наиболее известных научных противостояний в истории произошло между теми, кто верит, что микроорганизмы образуются в результате гниения органического вещества, и тех, кто считает, что они только переносятся с одной поверхности на другую потоком воздуха. С 1850 до 1870 года известный французский химик и микробиолог Луи Пастер столкнулся в противостоянии со сторонниками образования микробов из ничего, особенно с Феликс Пуче...
Два лагеря непрерывно проводили эксперименты для подтверждения своей теории и опровержения противников. Как известно, Пастер выиграл. Современная наука приняла теорию, согласно которой микрорганизмы переносятся воздухом, а наука о появлении их из продуктов гниения была отправлена на свалку идей и объявлена устаревшей. Мало кто знает, что Пастер покривил душой и выиграл нечестно.
Похоже, некоторые эксперименты Пастера доказывали, что органические продукты действительно производят жизнь. Естественно, через несколько лет эти эксперименты были объявлены некорректными, но в то время они только доказывали правоту оппонентов. Поэтому Пастер хранил такие результаты в секрете.
Историк Джон Уоллер пишет: «Фактически, из-за своей вражды с Пуче, Пастер объявил в своих дневниках как „успешные“ все эксперименты, которые проводились в доказательство своей теории, а все остальные как „неудавшиеся“.
Когда идейные противники Пастера проводили эксперименты, подтверждающие их теорию, Пастер публично не повторял их. Один раз он просто отказался проводить эксперимент и как-либо его комментировать. В другой раз он так долго задержался с комментариями, что оппоненты пришли в ярость. Уоллер пишет „Примечательно, что Пастер объявлял некоторые эксперименты проведенными небрежно, в то же время со своей командой он проводил эти же эксперименты, пытаясь получить отличный результат“. Как показали недавние исследования записей Пастера Геральдом Гейсоном (Gerald Geyson), команда Пастера проводила недели, проверяя выводы Бастиана и пытаясь подтвердить свои убеждения про распространение микробов по воздуху».
Пастер отделился от своих помощников и от своего наставника, объяснив это тем, что они недостаточно скрупулезно проводят эксперименты, в то же время сам проводил опыты так же небрежно, ослепленный своими убеждениями. Ему просто повезло, что он оказался более убедительным. Причем доказательства были не столько научные, сколько религиозные. В своих заметках он постоянно утверждает, что таинство создания живого из неживого знает только Бог-Создатель. Возможность создания человеком или природой живой материи без участия Бога была им безоговорочно отброшена без научного обоснования.
One of the most well-known research in the history of confrontations took place between those who believe that the microorganisms formed by the decay of organic matter, and those who believe that they are only transferred from one surface to another air stream. From 1850 until 1870 the famous French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur faced in the confrontation with supporters of education germs out of nothing, especially with Felix Puche.
The two camps continually experimented to confirm his theory, and the refutation of opponents. As is well known, Pasteur won. Modern science has adopted the theory that mikrorganizmy transported by air, and the science of the appearance of their products rot has been sent to the dustbin of ideas and deprecated. Few people know that Pasteur's twisted soul, and won a fair deal.
It seems that some of the experiments of Pasteur argued that organic foods do produce life. Naturally, a few years later, these experiments have been declared invalid, but then they only prove the correctness of opponents. Therefore, the results of pasteur kept such a secret.
Historian John Waller writes: "In fact, because of his feud with Puche, Pasteur announced in his diaries as" successful ", all experiments that were conducted to prove his theory, and all others as" failed ".
When the ideological opponents of the Pasteur conducted experiments to prove their theory, Pasteur did not publicly repeat them. One time he simply refused to conduct an experiment and as a comment on it. On another occasion, he stayed so long with the comments that the opponents were furious. Waller writes, "It is remarkable that Pasteur announced some of the experiments carried out carelessly, while he and his team conducted the same experiments, trying to get a good result." As recent research records Pasteur Geysonom Gerald (Gerald Geyson), Pasteur's team spent weeks testing the findings of Bastian and trying to confirm their beliefs about the spread of germs in the air. "
Pasteur separated from his associates and from his mentor, explaining that they are not scrupulously carry out experiments at the same time, he conducted experiments just casually, blinded by their convictions. He was just lucky that he was more convincing. Moreover, the evidence was not so much scientific as religious. In his notes he constantly asserts that the mystery of the creation of the living dead know only from the Creator God. The ability to create man or nature of living matter without God was unequivocally rejected them without scientific justification.
The two camps continually experimented to confirm his theory, and the refutation of opponents. As is well known, Pasteur won. Modern science has adopted the theory that mikrorganizmy transported by air, and the science of the appearance of their products rot has been sent to the dustbin of ideas and deprecated. Few people know that Pasteur's twisted soul, and won a fair deal.
It seems that some of the experiments of Pasteur argued that organic foods do produce life. Naturally, a few years later, these experiments have been declared invalid, but then they only prove the correctness of opponents. Therefore, the results of pasteur kept such a secret.
Historian John Waller writes: "In fact, because of his feud with Puche, Pasteur announced in his diaries as" successful ", all experiments that were conducted to prove his theory, and all others as" failed ".
When the ideological opponents of the Pasteur conducted experiments to prove their theory, Pasteur did not publicly repeat them. One time he simply refused to conduct an experiment and as a comment on it. On another occasion, he stayed so long with the comments that the opponents were furious. Waller writes, "It is remarkable that Pasteur announced some of the experiments carried out carelessly, while he and his team conducted the same experiments, trying to get a good result." As recent research records Pasteur Geysonom Gerald (Gerald Geyson), Pasteur's team spent weeks testing the findings of Bastian and trying to confirm their beliefs about the spread of germs in the air. "
Pasteur separated from his associates and from his mentor, explaining that they are not scrupulously carry out experiments at the same time, he conducted experiments just casually, blinded by their convictions. He was just lucky that he was more convincing. Moreover, the evidence was not so much scientific as religious. In his notes he constantly asserts that the mystery of the creation of the living dead know only from the Creator God. The ability to create man or nature of living matter without God was unequivocally rejected them without scientific justification.
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