Павел Дуров, создатель и совладелец социальной сети «ВКонтакте»
Поступки: Однажды публично назвал своего крупного акционера — Mail.ru Group трэш-холдингом и опубликовал фото, где показывает компании непристойный жест в ответ на попытки поглотить «ВКонтакте». Запретил в социальной сети рекламу алкоголя и сигарет.
Достижения: Осенью 2010 года стало известно, что Mail.ru Group принадлежит 24,99% акций «ВКонтакте», ставшей к тому времени крупнейшей социальной сетью Рунета. К апрелю 2011 года холдинг докупил еще 7,5% и оценил бизнес «ВКонтакте» в $1,84 млрд. Сейчас аудитория «ВКонтакте» приближается к отметке 25 млн. человек.
Герман Греф, председатель правления Сбербанка

Поступки: После прихода в банк в 2007 году, Греф обязал топ-менеджмент перед совещаниями по субботам посещать корпоративный спортивный зал и бассейн. Он возобновил угасавшую традицию проведения Сбербанкиад. Если раньше они проводились в лучшем случае раз в четыре года, то теперь тысячам сотрудников приходится участвовать и в летних, и в зимних состязаниях каждые два года. Узнав о том, что специально для участия в соревнованиях в региональных отделениях принимают на работу спортсменов, Греф ввел условие участия — сотрудник должен проработать в банке не менее двух лет.
Достижения: Новая команда Грефа научила пенсионеров пользоваться банковскими картами, а молодых консервативных клиентов — проводить платежи через интернет. Для состоятельных клиентов открыла отделения private banking.
Василий Бойко-Великий, владелец компании «Вашъ финансовый попечитель»

Поступки: После освобождения из заключения (Бойко обвиняли в мошенничестве с земельными участками) изменил фамилию, добавив к ней слово «Великий». Всех сотрудников компании обязал пройти обряд венчания, а женщинам запретил делать аборты.
Достижения: Компания «Вашъ финансовый попечитель» известна своими солидными земельными владениями и большими девелоперскими планами. Ей принадлежит 23 500 га земель в Подмосковье, еще 13 000 га находится в долгосрочной аренде. Несмотря на четырехлетнее заключение, Василий Бойко сумел сохранить бизнес, но интерес к строительству потерял, сосредоточившись на молочном производстве. Его компания «Русское молоко» объединила несколько ферм, завод комбикормов и фабрику по переработке молока. В октябре 2010 года стало ясно, что Бойко окончательно прощен — президент Медведев дегустировал продукцию его компании на одной из сельскохозяйственных выставок и выложил фотографии на своей странице в Твиттере.
Евгений Чичваркин, основатель компании «Евросеть»

Поступки: Конкурирует с Сергеем Полонским за звание главного эпатажника российского бизнеса. Однажды провел первоапрельскую акцию, во время которой можно было бесплатно получить мобильный телефон, раздевшись догола. Запустил рекламу на радио со слоганом «„Евросеть“ — цены просто о…ть!». На деловых встречах позволяет себе класть ноги на подоконник. Не признает деловой стиль в одежде, ходит в дырявых джинсах и красных кроссовках.
Достижения: За десять лет Чичваркин превратил «Евросеть» в крупнейшего российского продавца мобильных телефонов с более чем 5000 магазинами и выручкой $3,3 млрд. В сентябре 2008 года, вскоре после проведения обысков в компании, связанных с расследованием дела о похищении бывшего экспедитора компании Андрея Власкина, Евгений Чичваркин подписал соглашение о продаже «Евросети» миллиардеру Александру Мамуту. В ноябре он ушел с поста гендиректора «Евросети», а в декабре уехал в Лондон. Возбужденное против него дело было прекращено в январе 2011 года. Однако Чичваркин по-прежнему живет в Лондоне.
Олег Тиньков, основатель бренда «Тинькофф», владелец банка «Тинькофф-кредитные системы»

Поступки: В 2003 году во время открытия ресторана «Тинькофф» в Нижнем Новгороде запустил пивной кружков в одного из местных банкиров. В блоге Тинькова можно прочесть в частности следующее: «Там [на центральных телеканалах] сейчас работают лузеры-прилипалы, и YES-мены на всякий случай боятся, а что скажет Сурков, Иванов, Петров и не пойми кто, что мы бизнесмена в эфир взяли? Политические амбиции? Кто это??? Страшно. Не нужно — берем лучше Баскова и Моисеева. Товарищи ТВ продюсеры и их начальники, срал я на политику и на вас! А вот Родину мою жаль!».
Достижения: В 2005 году бизнесмен продал компанию «Тинькофф» за €200 млн компании Sun InBev, а четыре года спустя — сеть одноименных ресторанов. В 2006 году основал банк «Тинькофф кредитные системы», совладельцем которого стал международный банк Goldman Sachs. Тем не менее, банку Тинькова пока не удалось войти даже в первую сотню российских кредитных организаций по размеру капитала и активам.
Сергей Полонский, основатель компании Mirax Group

Поступки: Осенью 2008 года Полонский публично поклялся съесть свой галстук, если цены на дорогую недвижимость не вырастут за полтора года на 25%. Прогноз не сбылся, и Полонскому пришлось выполнить обещание — он съел кусочек своего галстука в эфире программы «Минаев LIVE» весной 2011 года. Полонскому также приписывают якобы публично сказанную фразу: «У кого нет миллиарда, могут идти в жопу». Известны также кадры заседания совета директоров компании, на которой взбешенный Полонский швыряет в стену мобильные телефоны присутствующих.
Достижения: До кризиса компания Mirax Group входила в пятерку крупнейших российских застройщиков. К осени 2008 года в портфеле компании находилось проектов общей площадью более 12 млн м². Личное состояние бизнесмена в том же году было оценено в $1,2 млрд. В марте 2011 года Полонский объявил о закрытии бренда Mirax, дав обязательства достроить объекты и расплатиться по долгам.
Владимир Мельников, основатель и владелец компании «Глория Джинс»

Поступки: Во время деловых переговоров Мельников любит ни с того ни с сего прочесть стихотворение, процитировать отрывок из Библии или рассказать лагерную байку (он трижды побывал в заключении за спекуляцию). В разговоре с подчиненными, вспылив, может метнуть в стену пепельницу. Несколько лет назад он разогнал отдел маркетинга, в то время как другие производители такие отделы активно усиливали. В компании существует строгое правило — держать двери магазинов открытыми даже зимой.
Достижения: Сейчас торговая сеть насчитывает почти 400 магазинов по всей стране. В прошлом году Мельников заработал 1,4 млрд рублей чистой прибыли (за год показатель увеличился более чем в два раза) при выручке 9 млрд рублей.
Валерий Кустов, основатель и совладелец компании «ЭФКО»

Поступки: Укомплектовал службу персонала «ЭФКО» специалистами по психокоррекции и психофизиологии. Каждый потенциальный работник «ЭФКО» помимо собеседования проходит тестирование на детекторе лжи и энцефалографе, а также тест на соответствие моральным принципам компании. Человек, желающий продвинуться по служебной лестнице, на месяц отправляется в специальный лагерь, где должен соблюдать строгий распорядок дня, посещать лекции по психологии и гуманитарным предметам, а также корпоративный музей скифской культуры.
Достижения: В 2005 году крупнейший в мире производитель растительного масла — американская корпорация Bunge купила 25% «ЭФКО». Компании изначально планировали полностью объединить активы, но через шесть лет акции снова вернулись к «ЭФКО». Холдинг входит в сотню крупнейших частных предприятий России с выручкой $900 млн.
Сергей Попов, основатель и совладелец МДМ-банка

Поступки: В середине 2000-х банкир заключил контракт с пиар-агентством «Михайлов и партнеры», поставив единственную задачу — чтобы о нем и о его бизнесе не писала пресса. По понятным причинам достичь этого не удалось. Случалось, Попов увольнял сотрудников целыми командами в один день, ничем это не объясняя, кроме собственного желания.
Достижения: В конце 2006 года Попов разошелся со своим давним партнером Андреем Мельниченко. Первому достался банк, второму — химический холдинг «Еврохим». Два года спустя Попов нашел нового партнера — владельца «Урса-банка» Игоря Кима, которому в процессе слияния досталось 11% объединенного банка. Однако и это партнерство не задалось. Объединенный банк не попал, как планировалось, в десятку крупнейших банков России, а довольствуется пока лишь 14 местом с активами 370 млрд рублей. Летом Игорь Ким ушел с поста предправления и вышел из совета директоров.
Actions: Once publicly named its largest shareholder - Mail.ru Group trash-holding and published photos, which shows the company's obscene gesture in response to attempts to swallow "VKontakte". Banned in the social network advertising alcohol and cigarettes.
Achievements: In autumn 2010, it became known that Mail.ru Group owns 24.99% shares of "VKontakte", which has become by the time the largest social network Runet. By April 2011 to add more storage holding 7.5% and estimated business "VKontakte" of $ 1.84 billion is now the audience "VKontakte" closer to the mark of 25 million people.German Gref, Sberbank Chairman of the Board
German Gref, Sberbank Chairman of the Board
Actions: After joining the bank in 2007, Gref ordered top management to attend meetings on Saturdays corporate gym and swimming pool. He resumed the fading tradition of Sberbankiad. If before they were, at best, once every four years, now has thousands of employees to participate in summer and winter sports every two years. Upon learning that specifically to participate in competitions at the regional offices are recruiting athletes, Gref put a condition of participation - the employee must have worked in the bank for at least two years.
Achievements: The new team Gref has taught seniors to use bank cards, a young conservative clients - to make payments via the Internet. For wealthy clients opened offices private banking.Vasily Boiko-Grand, owner of the company "Vash financial guardian"
Vasily Boiko-Grand, owner of the company "Vash financial guardian"
Actions: After his release from prison (Boyko accused of fraud with the land) changed the name, adding to it the word "Great". All employees must undergo a ceremony of wedding, and forbade women to have abortions.
Achievements: The company "Vash financial trustee" is known for its solid and large estates developer plans. It owns 23 500 hectares of land in the suburbs, a further 13 000 ha is in long-term lease. Despite four years of the conclusion, Vasily Boiko managed to retain the business, but lost interest in the construction, focusing on the dairy industry. His company "Russian Milk" brought together several farms, feed plant and a factory for processing milk. In October 2010, it became clear that Boyko finally forgiven - President Medvedev tasting products of his company on one of the agricultural fairs and posted pictures on her page on Twitter.Chichvarkin, founder of "Euroset"
Chichvarkin, founder of "Euroset"
Actions: Competes with Sergei Polonsky for the title of chief epatazhnika Russian business. April Fool's share once held, during which you can get free mobile phone, stripped naked. Ran ads on radio with the slogan "" Euroset "- just about the price ... Th!". At business meetings, allows himself to put his feet on the sill. Does not recognize the business style of dress, wears holey jeans and red sneakers.
Achievements: During the ten years Chichvarkin turned "Euroset" in Russia's largest seller of mobile phones with more than 5,000 stores and revenues of $ 3.3 billion in September 2008, shortly after the raids on the companies involved with the investigation of the kidnapping of the former freight forwarder company Andrew Vlaskin, Chichvarkin has signed an agreement for the sale of "Euroset" billionaire Alexander Mamut. In November, he resigned as CEO of "Euroset", and in December went to London. Proceedings against him the case was dismissed in January 2011. However Chichvarkin still lives in London.Oleg Tinkoff, the founder of the brand "Tinkoff" pot holder "Tinkoff Credit Systems,"
Oleg Tinkoff, the founder of the brand "Tinkoff" pot holder "Tinkoff Credit Systems,"
Deeds: In 2003, during the opening of the restaurant "Tinkoff" in Nizhny Novgorod has launched a beer mug in one of the local bankers. The blog can be read Tinkova in particular the following: "There [in the central TV channels] are now working prilipaly losers-and YES-barter, just in case fear, and say that Surkov, Ivanov, Petrov, and do not understand who, what, we have a businessman in ether ? Political ambitions? Who is it?? It is terrible. You do not need - we take better Baskov and Moses. Comrades, TV producers and their bosses, I sral policy and for you! But my home so sorry! ".
Achievements: In 2005, the businessman sold the company to "Tinkoff" for € 200 million to Sun InBev, and four years later - a network of similar restaurants. In 2006 he founded the Bank of "Tinkoff Credit Systems", co-owner of which was an international bank Goldman Sachs. Nevertheless, the bank has not yet been Tinkova enter even the first hundred Russian banks in terms of capital and assets.Sergei Polonsky, founder of the company Mirax Group
Sergei Polonsky, founder of the company Mirax Group
Deeds: In autumn 2008, Polonsky publicly vowed to eat his tie if the price of expensive real estate will not grow and a half years at 25%. The forecast did not materialize, and Polonsky had to fulfill his promise - he ate a piece of a tie in the program "Minaev LIVE» Spring 2011. Polonsky also credited with allegedly publicly uttered the phrase: "Who does not have a billion, can go to hell." There are also staff meetings of the board of directors, which infuriated Polonsky throws into a wall phones present.
Achievements: Before the crisis, the company Mirax Group was among the five largest Russian developers. By the fall of 2008, the company's portfolio of projects were a total area of more than 12 million m ². Personal fortune of a businessman in the same year was estimated at $ 1.2 billion in March 2011 announced the closure of Polonsky brand Mirax, giving commitment to finish the facilities and pay off their debts.Vladimir Melnikov, founder and owner of "Gloria Jeans"
Vladimir Melnikov, founder and owner of "Gloria Jeans"
Actions: During business negotiations Melnikov likes for no reason at all to read the poem, quote a passage from the Bible or tell tale camp (he made three visits in prison for speculation). In a conversation with his subordinates, flew into a rage, could throw into the wall ashtray. Several years ago he broke up the marketing department, while other manufacturers are actively reinforce divisions. The company has a strict rule - to keep the doors open even in winter stores.
Achievements: Currently trading network has almost 400 stores across the country. Last year the Mel'nikov earned 1.4 billion rubles of net profit (annual rate increased more than twofold) on revenue of 9 billion rubles.Valery Shrubs, founder and owner of the company, "EFCO"
Valery Shrubs, founder and owner of the company, "EFCO"
Actions: Complete service personnel "EFCO" psycho-correction specialists and psychophysiology. Each prospective employee "EFCO" in addition to the interview is being tested on a polygraph and encephalography, and test for compliance with the moral principles of the company. A person who wants to move up the career ladder, a month is sent to a special camp where should observe a strict schedule, attend lectures on psychology and the humanities, as well as corporate museum of the Scythian culture.
Achievements: In 2005, the world's largest producer of vegetable oil - an American corporation Bunge bought a 25% "EFCO". The company originally planned to fully integrate the assets, but six years later the shares are back to "EFCO". Holding is in the hundred largest private companies in Russia with revenues of $ 900 millionSergei Popov, founder and owner of MDM Bank
Sergei Popov, founder and owner of MDM Bank
Deeds: In the mid-2000s a banker signed a contract with a PR agency, "Mikhailov and Partners", putting a single task - to about him and his business did not write the press. For obvious reasons, failed to achieve this. Sometimes, Popov, dismissed employees integer instructions in one day, it does not explain, but his own desires.
Achievements: In late 2006, Popov broke with his longtime partner, Andrei Melnichenko. The first went to the bank, the second - a chemical holding "Eurochem". Two years later, Popov found a new partner - the owner of "Ursa-Bank" Igor Kim, who got into the process of merging 11% of the combined bank. However, this partnership is not set. United Bank is ranked as planned, the ten largest banks in Russia, and is satisfied as long as only the 14th place with assets of 370 billion rubles. In the summer, Igor Kim resigned and left the predpravleniya board of directors.
Achievements: In autumn 2010, it became known that Mail.ru Group owns 24.99% shares of "VKontakte", which has become by the time the largest social network Runet. By April 2011 to add more storage holding 7.5% and estimated business "VKontakte" of $ 1.84 billion is now the audience "VKontakte" closer to the mark of 25 million people.German Gref, Sberbank Chairman of the Board
German Gref, Sberbank Chairman of the Board
Actions: After joining the bank in 2007, Gref ordered top management to attend meetings on Saturdays corporate gym and swimming pool. He resumed the fading tradition of Sberbankiad. If before they were, at best, once every four years, now has thousands of employees to participate in summer and winter sports every two years. Upon learning that specifically to participate in competitions at the regional offices are recruiting athletes, Gref put a condition of participation - the employee must have worked in the bank for at least two years.
Achievements: The new team Gref has taught seniors to use bank cards, a young conservative clients - to make payments via the Internet. For wealthy clients opened offices private banking.Vasily Boiko-Grand, owner of the company "Vash financial guardian"
Vasily Boiko-Grand, owner of the company "Vash financial guardian"
Actions: After his release from prison (Boyko accused of fraud with the land) changed the name, adding to it the word "Great". All employees must undergo a ceremony of wedding, and forbade women to have abortions.
Achievements: The company "Vash financial trustee" is known for its solid and large estates developer plans. It owns 23 500 hectares of land in the suburbs, a further 13 000 ha is in long-term lease. Despite four years of the conclusion, Vasily Boiko managed to retain the business, but lost interest in the construction, focusing on the dairy industry. His company "Russian Milk" brought together several farms, feed plant and a factory for processing milk. In October 2010, it became clear that Boyko finally forgiven - President Medvedev tasting products of his company on one of the agricultural fairs and posted pictures on her page on Twitter.Chichvarkin, founder of "Euroset"
Chichvarkin, founder of "Euroset"
Actions: Competes with Sergei Polonsky for the title of chief epatazhnika Russian business. April Fool's share once held, during which you can get free mobile phone, stripped naked. Ran ads on radio with the slogan "" Euroset "- just about the price ... Th!". At business meetings, allows himself to put his feet on the sill. Does not recognize the business style of dress, wears holey jeans and red sneakers.
Achievements: During the ten years Chichvarkin turned "Euroset" in Russia's largest seller of mobile phones with more than 5,000 stores and revenues of $ 3.3 billion in September 2008, shortly after the raids on the companies involved with the investigation of the kidnapping of the former freight forwarder company Andrew Vlaskin, Chichvarkin has signed an agreement for the sale of "Euroset" billionaire Alexander Mamut. In November, he resigned as CEO of "Euroset", and in December went to London. Proceedings against him the case was dismissed in January 2011. However Chichvarkin still lives in London.Oleg Tinkoff, the founder of the brand "Tinkoff" pot holder "Tinkoff Credit Systems,"
Oleg Tinkoff, the founder of the brand "Tinkoff" pot holder "Tinkoff Credit Systems,"
Deeds: In 2003, during the opening of the restaurant "Tinkoff" in Nizhny Novgorod has launched a beer mug in one of the local bankers. The blog can be read Tinkova in particular the following: "There [in the central TV channels] are now working prilipaly losers-and YES-barter, just in case fear, and say that Surkov, Ivanov, Petrov, and do not understand who, what, we have a businessman in ether ? Political ambitions? Who is it?? It is terrible. You do not need - we take better Baskov and Moses. Comrades, TV producers and their bosses, I sral policy and for you! But my home so sorry! ".
Achievements: In 2005, the businessman sold the company to "Tinkoff" for € 200 million to Sun InBev, and four years later - a network of similar restaurants. In 2006 he founded the Bank of "Tinkoff Credit Systems", co-owner of which was an international bank Goldman Sachs. Nevertheless, the bank has not yet been Tinkova enter even the first hundred Russian banks in terms of capital and assets.Sergei Polonsky, founder of the company Mirax Group
Sergei Polonsky, founder of the company Mirax Group
Deeds: In autumn 2008, Polonsky publicly vowed to eat his tie if the price of expensive real estate will not grow and a half years at 25%. The forecast did not materialize, and Polonsky had to fulfill his promise - he ate a piece of a tie in the program "Minaev LIVE» Spring 2011. Polonsky also credited with allegedly publicly uttered the phrase: "Who does not have a billion, can go to hell." There are also staff meetings of the board of directors, which infuriated Polonsky throws into a wall phones present.
Achievements: Before the crisis, the company Mirax Group was among the five largest Russian developers. By the fall of 2008, the company's portfolio of projects were a total area of more than 12 million m ². Personal fortune of a businessman in the same year was estimated at $ 1.2 billion in March 2011 announced the closure of Polonsky brand Mirax, giving commitment to finish the facilities and pay off their debts.Vladimir Melnikov, founder and owner of "Gloria Jeans"
Vladimir Melnikov, founder and owner of "Gloria Jeans"
Actions: During business negotiations Melnikov likes for no reason at all to read the poem, quote a passage from the Bible or tell tale camp (he made three visits in prison for speculation). In a conversation with his subordinates, flew into a rage, could throw into the wall ashtray. Several years ago he broke up the marketing department, while other manufacturers are actively reinforce divisions. The company has a strict rule - to keep the doors open even in winter stores.
Achievements: Currently trading network has almost 400 stores across the country. Last year the Mel'nikov earned 1.4 billion rubles of net profit (annual rate increased more than twofold) on revenue of 9 billion rubles.Valery Shrubs, founder and owner of the company, "EFCO"
Valery Shrubs, founder and owner of the company, "EFCO"
Actions: Complete service personnel "EFCO" psycho-correction specialists and psychophysiology. Each prospective employee "EFCO" in addition to the interview is being tested on a polygraph and encephalography, and test for compliance with the moral principles of the company. A person who wants to move up the career ladder, a month is sent to a special camp where should observe a strict schedule, attend lectures on psychology and the humanities, as well as corporate museum of the Scythian culture.
Achievements: In 2005, the world's largest producer of vegetable oil - an American corporation Bunge bought a 25% "EFCO". The company originally planned to fully integrate the assets, but six years later the shares are back to "EFCO". Holding is in the hundred largest private companies in Russia with revenues of $ 900 millionSergei Popov, founder and owner of MDM Bank
Sergei Popov, founder and owner of MDM Bank
Deeds: In the mid-2000s a banker signed a contract with a PR agency, "Mikhailov and Partners", putting a single task - to about him and his business did not write the press. For obvious reasons, failed to achieve this. Sometimes, Popov, dismissed employees integer instructions in one day, it does not explain, but his own desires.
Achievements: In late 2006, Popov broke with his longtime partner, Andrei Melnichenko. The first went to the bank, the second - a chemical holding "Eurochem". Two years later, Popov found a new partner - the owner of "Ursa-Bank" Igor Kim, who got into the process of merging 11% of the combined bank. However, this partnership is not set. United Bank is ranked as planned, the ten largest banks in Russia, and is satisfied as long as only the 14th place with assets of 370 billion rubles. In the summer, Igor Kim resigned and left the predpravleniya board of directors.
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