Во время правления императора Александра III некий солдат Орешкин напился в царевом кабаке. Начал буянить. Его пытались образумить, указывая на портрет государя императора...
На это солдат ответил: a плевал я на вашего государя императора! Его арестовали и завели дело об оскорблении императора.
Познакомившись c делом, Александр понял, что история гроша ломаного не стоит, и начертал на папке: дело прекратить, Орешкина освободить, впредь моих портретов в кабаках не вешать, передать Орешкину, что я на него тоже плевал.
Alexander III
During the reign of Emperor Alexander III, a soldier got drunk in Oreshkin tsar's tavern. He began to make a row. They tried to reason with, pointing to a portrait of the emperor. To a soldier replied: a spat I to your Emperor! He was arrested and brought it about insulting the Emperor.
Acquainted c affair, Alexander realized that the story it's not worth a farthing, and wrote on the folder: it is to stop, Oreshkina release, to continue my portraits in bars not hang up, transfer Oreshkin that I spat at him, too.
During the reign of Emperor Alexander III, a soldier got drunk in Oreshkin tsar's tavern. He began to make a row. They tried to reason with, pointing to a portrait of the emperor. To a soldier replied: a spat I to your Emperor! He was arrested and brought it about insulting the Emperor.
Acquainted c affair, Alexander realized that the story it's not worth a farthing, and wrote on the folder: it is to stop, Oreshkina release, to continue my portraits in bars not hang up, transfer Oreshkin that I spat at him, too.
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