Эту собаку зовут Faith, что в переводе с английского — Вера.
Благодаря ей многие люди-инвалиды действительно обрели веру в жизнь
и веру в свои силы.
Faith родилась с физиологическими отклонениями — её передние лапы
были недоразвиты и, по прошествии некоторого времени, их пришлось
полностью ампутировать.
Мать Faith отказалась кормить ее и тем самым подписала своей малютке
смертный приговор — ведь маленький щенок без передних лапок и без
материнской заботы обречен на ужасную смерть.
К счастью нашлись люди, которые взяли маленькую Веру к себе и теперь
эта удивительная собака — полноправный член их семьи. Джуди
Стрингфеллоу — хозяйка Веры и очень добрая женщина бросила ради нее свою
работу и решила во что бы то ни стало научить собаку самостоятельно
The disabled dog Faith walks on its hind legs like a man
This dog is named Faith, which in translation from English - Belief. Thanks to her, many people with disabilities do its faith in life and faith in ourselves.
Faith was born with physiological disorders - its front legs were underdeveloped and, after some time, they had to be completely amputated.
Faith's mother refused to feed her and so signed her little one death sentence - for a little puppy with no front legs, and without maternal care is doomed to a horrible death.
Fortunately there are people who have little faith to themselves and now this amazing dog - a full member of their family. Judy Stringfellow - the owner of the Faith and a very kind woman threw her for her work and decided by all means teach the dog to move independently.
This dog is named Faith, which in translation from English - Belief. Thanks to her, many people with disabilities do its faith in life and faith in ourselves.
Faith was born with physiological disorders - its front legs were underdeveloped and, after some time, they had to be completely amputated.
Faith's mother refused to feed her and so signed her little one death sentence - for a little puppy with no front legs, and without maternal care is doomed to a horrible death.
Fortunately there are people who have little faith to themselves and now this amazing dog - a full member of their family. Judy Stringfellow - the owner of the Faith and a very kind woman threw her for her work and decided by all means teach the dog to move independently.
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